Chapter 15: R-rated Beach Day for Scouts and Goddesses. R-Rated Loves Revealed

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes of Nudity, Alcohol, Romance of R-rating, 4th wall breaks, and possible Lemon Scenes between Goddesses and Scouts... You Have been warned


After (Y/N) went his separate way, the girls all decided to search for the battery cannon they came to find

So after the CPUs transformed back to normal form in swimsuits, they all set off down the path trying to decide where to go

So after the CPUs transformed back to normal form in swimsuits, they all set off down the path trying to decide where to go

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Neptune: Ok we made it onto the island. So what are we supposed to do now?

Noire: That's a good question. I only wish we knew where to go

Ami: Maybe there's someone around here that we could ask for directions

Makoto: Looks like we're in luck

Makoto then pointed over to an approaching girl in a black and yellow bikini with a blue vest and green hair

Makoto then pointed over to an approaching girl in a black and yellow bikini with a blue vest and green hair

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However she looked familiar to the CPUs as she stopped just short of them

???: Hello, Hello, Hello! Welcome! My name is Linda. If you need anything at all, I'm your official guide. (Whispers) and I'll cut you a discount

It was then that they finally realized why she was familiar to them

Noire: Wait... I know you...

Nepgear: It's her! The kidnapper!

Linda: Gah! Aw crap the CPUs?!

Usagi: Wait you know this girl?!

Vert: She was in on the kidnapping of Blanc's sisters back in Lowee


Neptune: Ohhh that's right you 5 weren't in Gamindustri when that happened

Rei: I'm guessing she's not a friend of yours

Blanc: Not by a mile. Especially since she's the bitch who stole my sisters!

Linda: W-wait a minute! Please hold on! I swear to you on my life that I'm fully reformed and working hard!

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