Jupiter Chapter: Face Your Fears. CFW Brave Vs. Green Heart and Sailor Jupiter

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After Makoto accepted the offer to accompany Vert back to Leanbox, Vert then said she had to attend to one last thing before they would leave

But it wasn't what Makoto would've believed it was...


Makoto was chatting with IF and Compa asking IF if she could bring her to Leanbox since she still wasn't brave enough to have Vert fly her to Leanbox

IF: Well I would take you if Leanbox had access with roads

Turned out Leanbox was on a Island all by itself so Makoto would have to go by boat

Compa: It seems sad her nation stands alone on that Island

IF: Though I'm sure Vert would be willing to stick with you until...

As they got outside and onto the Basilicom's balcony, IF stopped with a confused look

Makoto: What's wrong?

IF: Ahhhhh... I'm not exactly sure what we walked into here...

Makoto then saw Vert cuddling with Nepgear while letting Nepgear's head rest in her own breasts

Makoto: Uhhhhhh... What is she doing?...

Compa: I think she's trying to level her lily rank...

Makoto: Lily rank?

IF: A bond between two people... either friendly or... more...

Makoto: Oh my... does Neptune know about this?

IF: Wellll...

Just then the doors behind them opened up to reveal Neptune who saw the scene and wasn't happy with it as she stomped towards Vert and Nepgear

Neptune: Gosh darn it Vert! Boobie time is over! She's my sister!

This got the couple's attention as Nepgear became worried

Nepgear: Oh I was just...

But Vert continued and pulled Nepgear back into her cleavage who then felt relaxed again

Vert: There, there, we're all friends now aren't we? What's the harm in spending some time together

Makoto Mind: She must have a different view of how she spends time with someone...

But Neptune still wouldn't accept that

Neptune: Grrr... You just want all that sweet Nep to yourself! But she's my Nep jr. and don't you forget that buddy!!!

Makoto: Uh... does this happen often?

Neptune: More than you think!

Vert: There, there, Neptune's just jealous of what we have. But don't worry, give her sometime and I'm sure she'll turn around. That's a good girl.

Neptune just about almost lost it as Makoto silently chuckled

(Flashback end)

Now Makoto was sailing across the bay heading towards Leanbox.

And just like IF had said, Vert accompanied her but on a private yacht that Vert had been on earlier in case Makoto did want to come to Leanbox

Makoto was amazed that Vert had her own Yacht but was confused as why Vert brought it

Vert: I figured if you were coming to Leanbox with me and didn't want to fly, this would have been an alternate choice

Makoto: I appreciate that Vert

(Timeskip to that evening)

After they arrived in Leanbox's harbor, Vert then took Makoto back to the Basilicom

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