Chapter 8: Nepgear's Determination. The Sailor Scouts join the fight!

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Where we last left off

Arfoire: How does it feel? Not only are your CPUs on the verge of death but now your hope of saving them is dead too

As she, Ail, and An laugh maniacally, Purple Sister looks to the anti-share field that held the CPUs and her own sister

At this point, Purple Sister was on the verge of tears as she tries to reach out to Neptune whose feet had touched into the darkness as she and the other CPUs began to scream in pain and agony as the darkness started to swallow them

Purple Sister (In light tears): Neptune... Please... *Sniff* Come back... I can't do this alone...

She then starts to cry as Arfoire, Ail, and Ann smirked as they knew victory was theirs as Dra-Con yelled out

???: Then let us help you...

Everyone then looked to see who said that...

Purple Sister then looked up and saw five girls, the four girls on the sides were wearing colorful Sailor Fuku outfits while the one in the center was wearing a similar red, blue, and white armored version of Sailor Fuku with a sword on her back

They were also accompanied by two cats, one black, and one white. But each of them had a gold moon emblem on their forehead

???: No one deserves to fight alone...

Now on with the story

Purple Sister POV

Arfoire was shocked at the sudden arrival of these new girls who looked like they could hold a fight

Arfoire: And just who the hell are you?!

However, Purple Sister saw that Ail and Ann recognized them

Ail: How in the world did you Scouts get here?!

Purple Sister Mind: Scouts? Wait... could they be...

???: I don't know what you are up to, but you kidnapped four ladies and are hurting them against their wills. And I won't forgive that!

The blonde then raises her hand into the air

???: I am the Guardian Knight who fights for love, justice, and triumph! I am Sailor Knight Moon!

Then the other girls introduced themselves as Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus, and together they formed the Sailor Scouts

Purple Sister Mind: Sailor... Knight... Moon...? Sailor... Scouts...? Wait a sec! This has to be (Y/N)'s Sister! The one that lost her memories!

Sailor Knight Moon then lowered her arm onto the other as she pointed to Arfoire, Ail, and An

Sailor Knight Moon: And now in the name of the Moon, We'll vanquish you!

Ail (Seething in Anger): I'm tired of you Sailor Guardian's always interfering in our plans!

Ann: Eliminate them Dra-con!

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