Chapter 7: The death of (Y/N)?! The CPU candidates take to the fight!

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Dra-Con: DRA-CON!

Dra-Con then flew in too fast for (Y/N) to react as he got uppercut hard in the chest

As the pain got to him he suddenly had a split second of seeing Usagi's cheerful face

(Y/N) Mind: Usagi... I'm sorry

(Y/N) then got flung up into the sky at high speed

But he didn't come back down as he flew so high he ended up leaving the atmosphere and disappeared into a twinkle of a star

The CPUs were devastated and angry at Arfoire, as well as Ail and An as they all laughed

Ann: That's quite embarrassing being unable to even match a Cardian's power

Ail: He never did stand a chance

Arfoire: Now I'm wondering what the CPUs even saw in him

Green Heart (Angry): You Cruel Witch!!!

Black Heart (Angry): How could you be so evil to just kill him like that!

White Heart (Very Angry): If I could break free I would slaughter you into oblivion!

Purple Heart (On the verge of tears): (Y/N)...

Arfoire: So now how does this make you CPUs feel, now that one person you cared about is gone!

Before the CPUs could reply, their share energy got too low as their HDD forms failed and had to revert back to normal

But once they did so, something else started to happen

The CPUs then noticed a dark puddle had now formed beneath them and was getting higher as the CPUs kept losing more share energy

Noire: What is that?...

Vert: It's rather unsettling

Blanc: Oh great it gets even worse

They now were slightly frightened. Not only was (Y/N) dead, but because now this puddle looked dangerous, especially since it was inching up higher towards them

Arfoire, Ail, and Ann smirked at this

Arfoire: It may look benign for now, but you'll feel it soon enough

Ann: Once the darkness overwhelms you, you'll all be finished

Ail: But don't worry. You're energy won't go to waste

Ann: Our Makai tree will make sure of that

Both Ail and Ann maniacally laughed as Arfoire smirked with victory

Arfoire: Enjoy the time you have left

Then Arfoire joins in the maniacal laugh of Ail and Ann knowing that victory was theirs

(Meanwhile not to far away)

Nepgear, IF, Compa, and even the other CPU Candidates had arrived only in time to see their sisters in trouble

Nepgear: Neptune...

Nepgear then turned back to the others

Nepgear: We have to save them

Uni: How?! If they couldn't beat them, I don't think we'd fair much better!

Nepgear: We have to try! We're the only ones left!

Rom: I agree with you Nepgear

Ram: So do I. I don't want to lose my sisters

Uni: *Sigh* I'm in too but I got a bad feeling about this...

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