Chapter 2: The Stricly CPU. Noire, the Goddess of Lastation

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After I finished my telling on the past, everyone was in shock, even Histoire

Compa (With a few Tears): *sniff* that's so sad...

Neptune: Wow... I don't think I could even imagine Nep Jr. forgetting all about me like that...

IF: That must have been hard to take...

(Y/N): It was... even now I don't have any family or friends left... let alone here in Gamindustri...

Neptune: Well hey I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here

(Y/N): You think so?

Neptune: Nep-yep and why not let me and my sis be the first

I then had a tear in my eye but one of joy over this

(Y/N): Thanks...

Neptune: Hey what are friends for?

She then shakes my hand and it felt like one of Sailor Jupiter's Thunderbolts had struck through my hand and arm. Though I didn't know why

Histoire: *Ahem* Have you forgotten you still need to visit Lastation

She then notices that Compa and IF had already booked it out the door at that point

Neptune: Opps sorry. Come on Nep Jr.

They then set off as I sat there feeling abandoned again

But then Neptune rushes back, grabs me by the arm and pulls me out

(Y/N): Woah! Neptune! What are you?!...

Neptune: Hey we're friends now right? You really didn't think we'd leave you behind like a bottle of Ye Flask did ya?

I didn't get what she meant by that but I was glad she let me tag along

Neptune: Besides I'm sure Noire would feel better if she made a new friend being the lonely girl she is

(Y/N): Lonely?

Neptune: You'll see when we get there

She then dragged me to the balcony where Nepgear was waiting. I then managed to see most of Planeptune from here

 I then managed to see most of Planeptune from here

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(Ignore the Basilicom tower in the background)

(Y/N): Wait... why are we on the balcony? I thought we were heading to this... Lastation you mentioned

Nepgear: We still are

(Y/N): But how?

Neptune: (Giggles) just watch

Neptune: Access!

Nepgear: Access!

Then right before my very eyes I saw Neptune and Nepgear transform like me or the Sailor Scouts would've

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