Chapter 10: The Scouts First Battle. The Sailor Scouts and CPUs Unite

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(Afternoon/Back in Planeptune)

Once everyone returned to Planeptune's basilicom, Purple Heart immediately put (Y/N) into her bed as Compa started to inspect him again for any injuries

As Purple Heart let them be she then reverted back to Neptune as she looked to the other CPUs who were chatting with the Sailor Scouts who were back in their civilian forms as well

Noire: So you're all from (Y/N)'s dimension?

Ami: Mhm

Blanc: And judging from those other form, you must be (Y/N)'s friends as well

Usagi: and my brother...

Vert: Oh so you're (Y/N)'s sister. From what we heard he really did miss you

Usagi: He did..?!

Makoto: Wait a minute, how much did he talk about us?

Neptune (As she sits down): He really spoke highly of all of you... even if it was painful to talk about

Minako: He missed us that much?

Blanc: From how he sounded each time yes

Rei: I never thought (Y/N) would have cared that much... Unlike Usagi...

This suddenly struck a cord with Usagi

Usagi: And what's that supposed to mean?!

Neptune then giggled at this as Rei looked to her

Rei: And why are you laughing at this?!

Neptune (Still laughing): It's just like (Y/N) said. You really are like Noire!

This not only struck a cord with Rei but also to Noire as well

Rei and Noire (Simultaneously): That's Not Funny!

Suddenly Noire and Rei looked to each other in shock

Neptune (Laughing): I told you so!

Even Usagi laughs at this

Noire: *Grunts* It's not that funny

Rei: That's all we needed... another Usagi...

Luna just shakes her head but with a sympathetic smile as she the looked to Histoire

Luna: Putting that aside... I must ask. Is there any way to get all of us back to our dimension, including (Y/N)?

Usagi: But we just got here Luna...

Luna: You know you have to protect the earth

Usagi sighs but Histoire then sighs with her head tilted down

Histoire: (Y/N) did ask about that. But after three days of searching, I'm still unable to find a way for him or any of you to get back, even with you arriving with similar methods...

This made the Scouts heartbroken and worried they might never get back

Artemis: I'm not sure that would matter right now. Since our enemy is also here

Ami: Artemis is right, as long as Ail and Ann are here, We're the only ones who could stand against them

Minako: And with them teamed up with this Arfoire person, they'll stop at nothing to steal any energy from this world's people

Nepgear: even we couldn't beat that monster of theirs alone...

Neptune: Well since they teamed up there's only one thing for it!

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