Chapter 12: Neptune's weakness. The next step of Sailor Moon

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(Later that night)

(Planeptune/Basilicom/Dining Room)


Plutia: Hello everyone. My name is Plutia. It's nice to meet you

(Y/N): Didn't you already say that back at Lastation?

Plutia: I did?

(Y/N): [Sigh] Nevermind

The others clapped as we welcomed Plutia as Compa then raised her glass

Compa: I'd like to take a moment to propose a toast to Plu-Plu, Planeptune's lovely new CPU

Neptune: Woah Woah Hold Up

We then looked to Neptune who sounded concerned by this

Neptune: Compa you're making it sound like Plutie here stole my whole country out from under me

(Y/N): I'm sure she didn't mean it like that...

Compa: Mhm. It's just that she's a Planeptune CPU too

Neptune: Yeah but not this Planeptune! She the CPU of a completely different one. And don't you forget it

Usagi: Uhhh... I can't tell what's correct and what's not now...

Luna: [Sigh] Usagi, I believe Compa meant that Plutia came from another dimension similar to how we did. Most likely one with another Planeptune

Histoire: I must admit even I don't know what to say about this particular declaration of a different dimension similar to ours

(Y/N): Though, Plutia, if you're a CPU, does that mean you can transform like we can?

Plutia: Yes I can. But uh... Everyone tells me that I shouldn't go around doing it

(Y/N): Though I assume you can when you have to. Right?

Plutia: Mhm

Usagi: But how come you're told not to?

Before Plutia could respond, Peashy and Neptune started to argue again until Peashy put a certain purple vegetable up to Neptune's face

But once Neptune figured out what it was, she screamed so loud I thought it almost rivaled Usagi when she cries Sonic waves as Sailor Moon

But it had really hurt since she had just about screamed right into my ear


(Y/N): Gah my ears!

I didn't hear the rest of what Neptune was screaming about as my ears were ringing

But after a short second, I managed to hear what IF was starting to say

IF: Come on. I cooked today, so give them a chance. And they're pretty tasty if I do say so myself

Neptune: No way, No how, No thank you. Just the smell alone saps the strength out of my body

While they kept arguing, I could have sworn I saw a hooded figure along with two familiar silhouettes outside the window

But when I blinked, they were gone

IF: Come on, they're not that bad. I mean even Usagi's eating them

I looked over and did see Usagi eating that vegetable that Neptune refused to eat

Neptune: I'd still rather die than eat that devil veggie

I then looked at the veggie on my plate still confused about what it was as Neptune looked at me

Neptune: Don't tell me you eat that too!

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