Mars Chapter: Kidnaped again?! CFW Trick vs. Angry White Heart and Sailor Mars

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After arriving back in Lowee, The nation's Oracle, Mina Nishizawa, got a temporary room ready for Rei while Blanc returned to writing her latest novel

All the meanwhile, Rom and Ram were playing about the Basilicom as usual

Rei meanwhile had tried to use Blanc's fireplace to do some fire readings

But as Blanc continued to write, she then received an email about the Satellite Surveillance system she and Vert came up with

Apparently someone from Lastation had hacked into it

So she gave Noire a call to see things sorted out

All the meanwhile Rei was still sitting by the Fireplace as she then saw an image of what looked like the CPUs fighting against a woman with death and destruction all around

Rei mind: Who was that?

But suddenly her thought got interrupted as she got drenched by cold water as the fire went out

Rei: What the?!

Rei then heard laughing as she looked over and saw Rom and Ram holding a bucket

Ram: Gottcha you dummy!

Rei: Grrrrrrr You're gonna pay for that!

Rom: Hurry!

Ram: Run!

Both Rom and Ram then ran off as Rei got up and chased after them

Rei: Come back here you brats!

As she kept chase, Rom and Ram the rounded a corner

But as Rei tried to go around it she suddenly slipped and slid right into Blanc who had heard the earlier noise and was checking to see what had happened

Blanc: What's wrong with you?!

Rei: It wasn't my fault!

Rei then pointed to Rom and Ram who saw the crash and were now worried after realizing they accidentally got their sister too

But Blanc only sighed as she felt sorry for Rei

Blanc: Now you know how I feel when they pull stunts like this

Rei: Do they do this often?

Blanc: Almost everyday

Rei: Even Usagi is never this troublesome

Rei place her hand on her head as Blanc could see she was stressed

Blanc: Tell you what, I'll take a break from writing and we can go and explore Lowee if you'd like

Rei: I suppose that would be alright

Rom: Can we come too big sis?

Ram: Can we?

Blanc: Sigh sure

Rom and Ram: Yay!

Rei: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Blanc: They usually stay out of trouble when we aren't in the Basilicom

Rei: I hope so

Rei Mind: Maybe a trip around Lowee might get my mind off that vision I saw


After they left the Basilicom, Blanc took Rei to one of her favorite bookstores

Afterwards they then visited a clothing store so Rei could get some new clothes since all she had was her school clothing

Plus she even found a traditional shrine robe similar to the one she wore back home

They then took Rom and Ram back to Super Nintend Land as their treat

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