Chapter 9: Strength to Carry On. CPU Sailor Gold Heart strikes from the Heavens!

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Disclaimer: Remember, Any photos or music you hear or see in this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the respected owners. That goes for any references you also may find thought the story too

(Gamindustri/Deserted Leanbox Island)

Purple Sister POV

Purple Sister was scared

Even though the Scouts made Ail and An retreat after they defeated Dra-Con and most of Arfoire's drones, Arfoire herself was proving to much to handle as Sailor Knight Moon was still trying to get past Arfoire as the others kept trying to take down the other drones with the other CPU candidates

But it was just about too late as she looked to her sister who's lower half was going under the darkness inside the Anti-Share field, same with the other CPUs

Even though the Sailor Scouts managed to damage it, it wasn't enough since it repaired itself with the stolen share energy

Purple Sister in tears reach to her Sister who was now just about halfway swallowed by the darkness as Arfoire smirked with triumph while still defending against Sailor Knight Moon

Arfoire: At last... the death of the CPUs has come

Even Sailor Knight Moon saw this and was almost in tears as well despite holding against Arfoire's staff as Arfoire knocked her back only to strike her defense again

Neptune (Weakly): Nepgear... I'm Sorry...

Purple Sister (Weak and In Tears): Neptune... Please come back...! Neptune...! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(Start at the beginning)


Suddenly a golden light shined from high above as what looked like meteorite was falling right towards the Anti-Share field

Arfoire smirked knowing the end of Gamindustri had come and this world was hers thinking that meteor would finish off the CPUs

Purple Sister kept screaming. Scared that this would be the end of the CPUs and her sister

All her hope was gone knowing it was all over

But suddenly from the falling meteorite it screamed out words loud enough that everyone on the battlefield heard


(Move to 0:30 if not there yet and Play until Music Switch Mark)

Suddenly the golden light struck and entered the top of the Anti-Share field like a rapier as the Anti-Share field began to crack as golden light started shine from out of the cracks

Back with Ail and Ann the flow of Energy to the Makai Tree suddenly stopped

Ail: Hey!

Ann: What just happened?

Ail: The energy flow stopped...

(Nearby the Battlefield)

IF, Compa, Luna, and Artemis had saw what had happened and were shocked

IF: This can't be happening again!

Artemis: Again?...

Compa: But how did it penetrate that Anti-Share field then?!

However Luna then felt a familiar energy nearby that she both recognized but didn't fully recognize at the same time

An energy she hadn't felt since the time of Sailor Knight yet was as stronger than back then

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