Chapter 19: The Darkness of Rei Ryghts. Goddess Makai Vs CPUs and Sailor Scouts

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As try as they might, Ail, Ann, and Arfoire were unable to stop the Makai Tree which they had lost control over as it held a smirking Rei Ryghts in its root

All the while as Planeptune was partially destroyed by the damage the Makai Tree had done under Rei Ryght's control

Unfortunately Ann was the first to fall as Warechu tried to mend her wounds best as he could

Ail: Makai Tree stop this! I thought you were on our side!

Arfoire: What happened to this damn tree. I thought it only obeyed you?!

Ail: It should! I don't know why it won't listen now!

It was then that Rei Ryghts chuckled maniacally as Ail and Arfoire looked back to her

Rei Ryghts: I've never felt this powerful! I feel... Awakened... For the first time in a long time (Manically Laughs)

Ail: But this is our Makai Tree! You have no right to taint it with your dark influence!

Rei Ryghts: This power is mine to control now. And you should address me as, GODDESS ATARI!

Suddenly the tree grabbed Ail as Arfoire got clear

But the tree then drained him a bit as Rei Ryghts manically laughed again as she transformed into a HDD form of a CPU while holding a staff with a red crystal that was unfamiliar to her

But the tree then drained him a bit as Rei Ryghts manically laughed again as she transformed into a HDD form of a CPU while holding a staff with a red crystal that was unfamiliar to her

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Then the tree tossed Ail as he landed close by Ann and Warechu as Arfoire panted in worry

But it was then she swore she heard a second voice coming from the darkness swirling around Goddess Atari

Dark Voice: My revenge has come at last...

More of Planeptune was suddenly being destroyed by the element of the dark storm covering all of Planeptune

But slowly the storm was growing and starting to extend outside of Planeptune

Arfoire Mind: At this rate, she could destroy all of Gamindustri...

It was then that Arfoire saw the 4 CPUs, CPU Candidates, the Sailor Scouts, and Sailor Gold Heart arrive. As well as IF, Compa, Luna, and Artemis who came by bike

 As well as IF, Compa, Luna, and Artemis who came by bike

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