Venus Chapter: A Secret Hobby? Anonydeath Vs. Black Heart and Sailor Venus

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After the incident with Plutia and Peashy dropping onto the picnic, Neptune and Nepgear, took them back to Planeptune with (Y/N), Usagi, Ami, IF, Compa, and Luna so Histoire could determine where they came from

As well as to why Plutia Acknowledged that she was the goddess of Planeptune when Neptune was the goddess there already

Sadly though the other CPUs had other business to take care of in their nations so they had to go separate ways as well

Though the CPUs invited the other Scouts to accompany them back to their nations if they wanted to and they agreed

So Makoto went with Vert back to Leanbox (Though they took the road and then went by boat due to Makoto's fear of flying)

Rei went with Blanc, Rom, and Ram back to Lowee (To which Rom and Ram were happy with)

And Minako and Artemis stayed in Lastation with Noire and Uni

(Timeskip to next day)

As Minako woke up and walked around the Basilicom with Artemis for a bit, she then saw Uni on the balcony holding a small bandicoot with blue shorts

Uni: Cute huh?

Minako: He looks so adorable

Uni: This is Cratchie the rabbit eared bandicoot. We just got him earlier today

She then set Cratchie down as Artemis walked up to him

Just then, Cratchie then hopped up and jumped right off of Artemis's head making him fall to the ground with a thump

Artemis: Grrrreeeeeeeeeeeee

Artemis groaned as Cratchie landed right behind him and by Minako who just laughed along with Uni

Artemis (Rubbing bruised head with paw): I don't get why you took a liking to him...

Just then both Uni and Minako heard Noire yelled out, sounding like something was wrong

Both then rushed over with Artemis following from behind who was still aching

They then entered Noire's office as they saw her talking to Blanc over the computer

Noire: No way! That's just Ludicrous! Lastation's security is top grade! There's no way someone could hack it!

Blanc (Over the Computer): Well it's the truth

Uni: Sis? Is something wrong

Noire: Oh Uni, Minako. N-no nothings wrong

Minako: Didn't sound like nothing's wrong

Artemis then noticed Blanc on the other end of the computer call and hopped onto Noire's desk much to Noire's annoyance

Noire: H-hey! Get off of my desk!

But Artemis didn't listen as he looked to the screen

Artemis: Whats going on Blanc?

Blanc was a bit shocked to see Artemis on the call in place of Noire but she replied anyway

Blanc: One of the Satellites from our newly launched satellite system got hacked

Noire just squeemed in agony much to Uni's worry as Minako gained a determined look and looked to the screen as well

Minako: When did this happen?

Blanc: Just last night, around midnight

Minako: Any idea where the hack originated from?

Blanc: That's the weird part as it originated from a Lastation Server

Minako: But what's weird about that?

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