Chapter 14: Trip to the Seaside, The R-18 Island

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(Planeptune Basilicom)

I had just returned from doing a quest with IF when I heard shouting on the balcony

I then rushed out to see what was wrong

(Y/N): Hey what's going on...


(Y/N): Gack!

The moment I arrived I had become a victim of a pudding cup to the face

Neptune: Thanks a lot P-ko. Now you've gone and ruined it for both of us

Peashy: Mmmmh! I did not this is your fault!

Neptune: What?! My fault?!

Then Peashy looked over to me

Peashy: This is your fault as well!

(Y/N): Hey, I'm a victim of circumstance!

Neptune: You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself P-ko! Really you ruined everything

It was at this point, Peashy became upset


Neptune gasped as Peashy ran over to me only to then ram me like she did with Neptune

(Y/N): Gack!

She then ran off crying as I hit the floor in agony

(Y/N): Agh, what did I do to deserve that?...

Neptune could only look at my battered, trampled, and pudding covered body as Usagi and Ami came out seeing me down on the ground

Usagi (Helping me up): Are you ok?

Ami (Helping me up): What happened?

(Y/N): I'm alright... just a victim of circumstance again that's all...

Noire: Real nice you sure taught her how to act like a grown up

Neptune gasped and looked over to see that the other CPUs, Candidates, and the other scouts had arrived and seen the whole incident

Usagi: You're all back!

Neptune: What the?! How long have you all been there

Blanc: Since around the time that pudding landed on (Y/N)'s head

I sighed as the CPUs started arguing with Neptune while the other scouts came over to me

Minako: Victim of Circumstance again?

(Y/N) (Groaning): How could you tell...

Rei: I swear you go through more trouble and pain then Usagi's Clumsiness

Usagi: Hey!

Makoto: I'm surprised of how you keep getting back up each time

(Y/N): A little pain never could stop me... [Chuckles]

Neptune saw me smile to this as she now felt sorry for me as she then looked back to the other goddesses

Neptune: So anywho, what brings you guys back to these parts?

Vert: And she's changed the subject...

(Short Timeskip)

Neptune: What the?! R rated island?

The scouts overheard this as they joined the conversation

Minako: That doesn't sound too family friendly going by the name

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