Knight Chapter: Rebirth Love of a Goddess and Prince. Peashy is gone?!

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Warning: Will contain Mysterious grass covered nudity as well as partial uncovered nudity, and also might contain minor romantically touching and kissing in this chapter, not enough to be a lemon, but there will be what I hope at most is a lime later on. Take care as you've been warned


After the incident with the cannon, the others decided that before they went back to Planeptune, they'd have a little fun on the beach

Though still wanting some alone time, I went to a more empty spot on the beach and sat on a large blanket with a beach umbrella setup just beside it

I don't remember how long I sat there, but it was nearing sunset when Neptune came along

As she sat next to me, I noticed that she looked a bit tense

(Y/N): I thought you were having fun with the others...

Neptune: I was... but I didn't want your last moments here to be spent alone

(Y/N): Sigh... I just don't get it... It seems like ever since I got here, It's been one disaster after another with me

Neptune: Well maybe R-18 Island was a bit of a bad choice

(Y/N): Not just that, I meant ever since I landed here in Gamindustri

Neptune looked to me in shock as I continued

(Y/N): It's like I'm being made to suffer

Neptune: Don't feel so bad. I mean you do have your sister and friends back with you

(Y/N): But it's my fault they got here too

Neptune didn't know what to say to that as I continued

(Y/N): I honestly don't know if I should even go on like this. I mean I lost my sister when she lost her memories, then I got trapped here, and now they're stuck here with me.

I then look down to the sand as tears fell from my eyes

(Y/N): I wish I knew what good came out of all this

I couldn't stop tearing up as I kept thinking of the recent past

But then I stopped as I felt Neptune wrapping her arms around me in a caring way

Neptune: You have me now, as well as the other goddesses, and now your friends and sister again. If you hadn't come, we probably never would've met

I then wiped my tears as Neptune looked back to me

But then she hugged me tighter as I felt her rapid heartbeat in her chest

Neptune: And I'm glad we did, cause admitted... I think I'm falling for ya...

She then winked as I felt my own heartbeat match hers

(Y/N): Neptune... are you saying?

Neptune (Giggling): If this was a dating sim, I'd say you'd caught my heart. So in short, (For the readers at least), I've fallen in love for you

(Y/N): Neptune...

I then felt my happiness returning as I then hugged her back, now feeling a similar love for her

But as I did, an old memory that I had long forgotten came back


(Silver Millennium)

I as Prince (P/N) stood on the palace balcony with Purple Heart in her purple dress standing right by my side as we looked to the earth

Purple Heart: Is it true that your sister is having an affair with the Earth prince Endymion?

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