Mercury Chapter: Mind Over Brawn. CFW Judge Vs. Purple Sister and Sailor Mercury

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(A/N): I apologize in advance if this chapter ain't as good as the others as I kept having writers block on this. So don't except it to be as grand as the others

After Plutia and Peashy landed so unexpected, Neptune and Nepgear brought them back to Planeptune along with Ami, Usagi, IF, Compa, and (Y/N) while the others split up and headed for the other nations

Once they got back, Neptune immediately went to her video game console. As did Usagi after asking if she could join in

But as they went on Ami noticed that the console they were playing on was just like the one the scouts had used to reach Hyperdimension and find (Y/N)

Neptune: W-woah! That was close, I almost didn't make it there

Usagi: I almost had you

But as they continued Peashy was wanting Neptune's attention or at the least, Usagi's

Peashy: I'm bored. Play with me Neptuna!

But Neptune and Usagi was still focused on their game

Peashy: I'll bug you!

But still they continued on as Peashy got more radical to the point of snapping the console cable as the screen went black

Usagi: Daahhhhhhhhhh! I almost had her!

Neptune: Aw come on Peachy! If you do that, you'll corrupt my save file

But as Neptune inspected the power strip she realized all the plugs were still in

Both Neptune and Usagi then looked over as they saw Peashy holding the cable that now snapped off it's plug

Neptune then looked to her console and gasped as the cable on it was cut off from the rest of what Peashy was holding

Neptune: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Usagi: Gahhhhh! Even Shingo wouldn't do that!!!!!

Peashy: Ha! Now you'll have to play with me!

Peashy then rammed Neptune hard as Neptune got plowed into Usagi as well

They then both hit the ground hard as (Y/N) swore he heard a bell ding like one from a boxing match

Then both Neptune and Usagi got back up and chased after Peashy while (Y/N), Luna, IF, Compa and Histoire watched the amusing chase

Meanwhile Ami was out on the balcony after managing to aid Minako track down a hacker's location in Lastation

Now she was sitting on a bench and thinking back to how they could get home

Ami still had her own future to think about and every second here in Hyperdimension Dimension made her dream seem to become farther and farther away

But then Nepgear came out and saw Ami in her worried state and came over

Nepgear: Is everything alright Ami?

Ami looked up and tried to smile

Ami: Oh I'm fine, I was just watching the view that's all

But Nepgear could see past her as she knew that face Ami had well

Nepgear: Your worried aren't you. About going back home?

Ami sighed as Nepgear sat next to her

Ami: How could you tell?

Nepgear: It's the same look I had when I was worried about Neptune during Arfoire's attack

Ami sighed again as she looked back to Nepgear

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