Stooges Chapter: Goofs of Planeptune

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(Looking Back) Phew I finally lost Neptune...

Anyway... I Decided to make another stooge chapter given their escape from R-18 Island, and how they made it back to Planeptune under (Y/N)'s Advice.

??? So what? I might as well tie up any loose ends. Besides, given this stories climax coming soon, this might not be the last we see of these goofy stooges

So without further ado, I present the three stooges...

(Three Stooges Theme Plays)

Moe, Larry, and Curly


Planeptune Goofs

(Three Stooges POV)

After escaping R-18 Island, Moe, Larry, and Curly hijacked a boat and race away

Though once they made it back to Planeptune's harbor...


Three Stooges: NEYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!


The Three Stooges then groan as they got out of their broken boat which had launched off a nearby boat ramp and flew into a nearby pier shop

Curly: Wha happened?

Moe: You went wide on the last turn! Why I autta...!

Moe didn't have time to punish Curly as the shopkeeper came out annoyed at them as he held a cleaver


Three Stooges: NEYAAAAHHH!!!

They then ran away before the shopkeeper had a chance to attack as they bolted into Planeptune and hid in an alleyway

Larry: That was close...

Curly: Well at least we're safe

Moe: Yeah but you crashed the boat! If you hadn't yanked the wheel out!

Curly: How was I to know it had a weak link?

Moe annoyed then pokes Curly in the eyes as Larry then noticed something

Curly: Doah! HMMMM! [Barks]

Larry: Hey you two spread out. Look over there

Both Moe and Curly turned as they saw that they were across the street from Planeptune's Basilicom as they saw a woman with white hair walking inside

One who looked familiar to the stooges

Moe: (Y/N) did said that when he got back, he'd put good word for us there

Larry: But we don't know anything about what runs in a Basilicom

Curly: Maybe it runs like Basil would

Moe then sharply looked back to Curly

Moe: When I want your opinion I'll ask for it you bonehead (Bonks Curly on the head)

Curly: Doah!

With that they then proceeded over only to be met by two guards at the entrance

Planeptune Guard: Halt. What's your business being here?

Larry: Nothin what's it to you?

Moe: Shat up (Bonks Larry on the head)

Planeptune Guard: Unless you come with prayers to Purple Heart, entry is denied

Moe: Actually we came here looking for work

Larry: We got fired from our last job, we're desperate

Curly: We'll even work for scraps. (Gets bonked on the head by Moe) Doah! HMMMM!

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