Chapter 17: Battle against Peashy?! Rise of CPU Scouts

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We managed to all dodge out of the way of Yellow Heart's attack before she slammed us as the CPUs and CPU Candidates and I donned our weapons

Green Heart: If it's a fight you want. I'm more than happy to give you one!

She then swung at Yellow Heart as White Heart took a second swing as Yellow Heart was delt the blow of both attacks

Green Heart: I hardly even broke a sweat

White Heart: Heh, looks like she's just a rookie after all

But then Yellow Heart laughed as if she wasn't hurt

Yellow Heart: Let's do that again! This is fun! Thanks for playing with me

Both Green Heart and White Heart were in disbelief at what they heard as Sailor Mercury donned her tiara's visor and scanned Yellow Heart while pulling out her Super Computer

Both Green Heart and White Heart were in disbelief at what they heard as Sailor Mercury donned her tiara's visor and scanned Yellow Heart while pulling out her Super Computer

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But once she had finished it wasn't good news

Sailor Mercury: She barely took any damage at all. It's as if she's resistant to even the most strongest physical attacks

Sailor Jupiter: Then try this on for size! Sparking Wide Pressure!

Sailor Mars: Burning Mandala!

Sailor Venus: Venus Love-Me Chain!

All three scouts attacked dead on thinking their attacks might have made a dent

But as the dust settled, Yellow Heart still looked unharmed

But she now was angry

Yellow Heart: That wasn't very nice you MEANIES!

She then slammed rapidly into the three scouts and even Sailor Mercury, sending them into the ground with groan's, bruises, and rip damaged Sailor Fukus much to Sailor Moon's worry

Sailor Moon: AMI! REI! MAKO! MINO!

Sailor Mercury (Weakly): Not even our attacks seem to hurt it

Purple Sister: She hasn't taken any damage at all

It was then that the CPUs and I got in front of Sailor Moon and the battle worn scouts as we faced Yellow Heart

Purple Heart: We'll deal with her for now

Sailor Gold Heart: You probably should stay out of this fight. She's no joke at this rate

As much as Sailor Moon didn't want to, she nodded in agreement as her flew to the other scouts while IF and Compa were tending to their wounds

But then Yellow Heart donned a set of claws on her hands as she charged at us again

But one by one the CPUs and even the CPU Candidates all fell, too weak to battle on and detransforming in the process until it was down to me and Purple Heart left

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