Part 1

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The Boundless Jedi

Kora's POV

    "You asked for my service?" I question blandly, sitting across from my supposed client.

    His feet rest on the table crossed, while his arms are bent so his hands are supporting his head.

    "Ah yes yes," he continues, "My lord needs someone to be taken care of." His grovelled voice irritates my ears, making me more excited for when this meeting ends.

    "Who?" I ask simply, eyeing the ugly creature through my mask.

    "Mina Bonteri," they reply with a sly smile. My eyes slightly widen behind my mask. A Separatist senator? This better be worth a lot.

    "How much?" I inquired, my voice distorted from the effects of the mask.

    "40,000 credits," he answers with a grin. Impressive, I think.

    "For my silence as well?"

    "The Count would appreciate it," he goes on to ask, "so deal or no deal?" How come Count Dooku would want a Separatist dead? They're on his side of the war...

    "Deal," I reply. A satisfied smile makes its way onto his face as I begin to get up. He reaches his hand out for me to shake, but I just walk out of the shop.

Third-Person POV:

    People clutter the streets, walking around past various market shops. So many emotions and feelings that Kora can sense with ease.

    She makes her way through the crowd, occasionally elbowing someone if they don't want to get out of her way.

    These aren't her streets, but she walks as if she owns them and others comply as if she did. That's what happens when you wear an intimidating outfit. People move away. Just how Kora prefers.

    Spotting a bread merchant up ahead, she begins to sway her way to the right. People swarm the shop, holding up credits with shouts of want and need.

    Kora travels down towards the line where the bread is nicely stacked on the table beside the merchant.

    Right when a boulder of a man passes behind her, she acts as if she was pushed into the line.

    Slyly grabbing two loaves of bread, she slips them into her brown leather satchel. Kora backs away from the table, holding her hands up in an innocent manner.

    "Bakti mito, bakti mito [not my fault, not my fault]," she exclaims through her mask. The man and woman scoff and turn away from her.

    She continues her journey through the flowing river of people passing by.

    Following the flow of crowd, Kora spots an alley up ahead. She makes her way over and turns into the alley, knowing what will be there when she arrives.

    Two children stand in the corner, both sorting through the trash left by shops.

    When the children see the shadow loom over them, they're hearts tremble with fear. They turn to meet the face of a masked figure, adding to their terror.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now