Part 26

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What Could Be
(Season 3, Episode 17)

I'm ready to strike if it comes down to it. Now left alone in a small compartment on the ship, I have the urge to rip the dagger from my thigh and tuck it under my belt for any case of need. My newfound rage for him has simmered, yet I still feel the compulsion to rip his heart out.

This is what happens to a Jedi playing both sides, juggling between light and dark. Once the fury escapes, you become... boundless.

I knew I wasn't fit to be a Jedi the moment I stepped onto the battlefield and suffered my first loss. I took the world down with me in a desperate rampage. I executed every single person involved with that separatist army, going as far as the ones who merely supported it.

I lost a friend that night, whilst fighting tirelessly in the rain and thunder. He was killed by a surprise fleet of flunkers that proceeded East where our guard was set lowest. Barely even twelve, yet killed by the bloody hands of war.

My Master covered everything up. How, still remains a mystery. She locked me in the boiler room of the ship and handled the mess that i had left. After that instance was when we were sent on the mission that would end my life as a Jedi.

Anakin walks in with medical supplies, though his eyes still gleam yellow. I wrap my hand around the hilt of the dagger, ready to pull it out and use it as a weapon

"Don't," he advises. "I'm not looking to hurt you."

"Oh yeah? You're the one that stabbed me with it," I counter, not relaxing my grip on the pierced weapon. He chucks the med supplies on the bed and walks over, ticking his head as if he's trying to find the right words to explain.

"You were in my way, I had to get you out of it," he pauses. "To go after Ahsoka."

"But you didn't even try to go after her afterwards,"

"I would have if someone hadn't picked a fight with me," he sits on the far end of the bed, trailing his hand up my leg towards my injured thigh.

"I simply retaliated. I'm sure you would have too,"

"Maybe," he reaches for the hilt, but before he can grab it I use my other hand to hit his arm away.

"I've got it," I rip the dagger out of my thigh and toss it across the room onto the ground. It's clatter echoes against the walls of this suffocatingly small room, and I suddenly become more aware of his presence, along with my two lightsabers that are buckled to his belt.

He sees my quick glance and unbuckles them, tossing them onto my lap.

"You do realize I want to kill you, right?" I ask him, astounded by his profound arrogance to return my weapons to me. He pats my leg and gets up, walking towards me with a glint in his eye. He leans down to my ear, and I summon the tossed dagger to my hand, holding it adjacent to his jugular vein.

"I can take you," he whispers, and it's quiet for a moment after that, before he tilts his head up with intrigue.

"Someone's outside," he turns toward me. "Stay in here until I come back." He leaves before I get the chance to say something, which only aggravates me more. I decide to be smart and use the medical materials to fix up my leg.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now