Part 19

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(Season 3, Episode 15-16)

The Force awakens the fabrication of everything: planets, a whole species, or just one person. It runs through all living things; however, the real determining factor is how much potential one has to use it. That's what the number of midi-chlorians are for, to judge how strong the connection a force-user has.

Mine was 19,470. I specifically remember the look on Master Yoda's face when it was found out that my capabilities exceeded his own. If not for having his own padawan, the green one would have chosen me to undergo apprenticeship under him.

Instead, I was assigned to my former teacher, Master Rima-Vox Ventura. Before becoming a Padawan, my young age yet high count of midi-chlorians set me above the other younglings by default, but I set myself above them with my hard work.

I was an incredibly determined child, who was not only mature for my age but excelled at difficult tasks that other learners couldn't handle at first. It was said that I would be a revolutionary Jedi, that I would become the Head Master of the Jedi Order, even though that position was outlawed many ions ago.

That was before another older boy arrived, too old to be a youngling, but strong enough to be the best of us. Despite my best efforts, I was jealous of him. His power exceeded any Jedi, even my heightened abilities, which left me soon forgotten.

All discussion of Vyla-Kora Nightstowe was hushed, and the new all-mighty hero was Anakin Skywalker, "The Chosen One." Once a young boy from a scumbag planet turned into the Jedi who would save the galaxy.

It was this moment, facing the probability of death while watching Skywalker flourish, that I remembered my previous loathing for him. I didn't recognize the name in connection to buried memories, but it all came back once he lifted his arms and changed the very fabric of this planet.

Day clashes with night in the sky, a fight for dominance that never prevails to one side. The children lift off the ground, both the Padawan and the Master along with them. He controls them both, and in turn balances the Force between.

The axis spins off course, travelling at a much quicker speed then previously. Day and night swirls around the fortress, around him. Everything darkens until the floor lights up, stars spreading from both ends. I notice it now, the shapes that take effect once dimmed.

Yin and Yang.

Dark and Light.

Sith and Jedi.

Another storm brews, a slap of lightning occurring every couple of seconds, and I know it is not simply Mother Nature who controls it. It is him, his rage.

A simple gesture of lowering his hands causes the children to release both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. He brings the Daughter and Brother closer to him, against their strong negligence, and then sends them flying backwards. They crash into opposite sides of the arena, a loud echo of thunder follows with the collision.

The children rise once more, setting their killer instincts on their previous captures. I watch as Obi-Wan pulls out his blue saber, holding it securely in his hand. Ahsoka does the same with her green one.

The Brother goes in for an attack against the young girl, but Anakin is quick to stop it.

"Down!" he commands and sends the dark figure onto the floor, away from his padawan. Not a moment after the Jedi then disrupts the Daughter's approach towards Obi-Wan, pulling her back to the ground.

"On your knees!" his dismantled voice erupts, like nothing I've ever heard before. Both children comply, resting on their knees and transforming into their original forms.

The day returns back to normal, but everyone that was there to witness his power will never be the same again.

Anakin Skywalker is truly the Chosen One.

"And now you see who you truly are," the Father states, suddenly relocating us to stand right behind Anakin. "Only the Chosen One could tame both my children, and could make the sacrifice of risking a loved one."

He releases me from his hold and hands me Anakin's lightsaber. Standing next to Anakin, I discreetly hold it towards his lowered hand. Instead of taking it, he holds his hand over mine, and I let him.

"I have taken your test," he pants, "Now fulfill your promise and let us go."

"Ah, but first, you must understand the truth. Now, all of you, leave us," the Father says. We turn away from him to face the others. Ahsoka whispers something to Anakin, a look of warning in her eyes.

"I said leave us," the father commands again, but Anakin only tightens his grip on my occupied hand. Placing my hand over his, I give him my best gaze of reassurance, and walk away.


Anakin joins us shortly after our departure, but he's a lot more quiet then usual. Obi Wan and I have stayed in the cockpit to pilot the ship while Anakin rests, his energy depleted from his overuse of power. A sudden wave of fear rushes through me.

"Ahsoka, can you take over for a moment?" I ask. The girl nods with a small smile, and I return her kind gesture thankfully. Walking out of the cockpit and turning towards the small sleeping chambers, Anakin sits up panicked for a moment, but then settles once he realizes where he is.

"Are you.. Okay?" I hesitate slightly, unsure of our current dynamic. I should be angry that he tore himself away, but I know if he hadn't done it first then I would have. Any form of love is forbidden for a Jedi, no matter how little or unknown, and I shouldn't be the one he breaks the rules for.

That would only make me more of a villain then I already am.

"Fine," he lies easily, but I can sense that whatever popped up in his dreams has troubled him even more now.

I'm relieved that we are finally leaving this planet, unhappy with the effects it has had on everyone here, including myself. It has reminded me of deep memories that I told myself I would never think of again.

Being here in general and working alongside the Jedi Order to rid myself of many criminal sentences, has awoken the child in me who dreamed of missions like these, and hoped for a chance to prove herself a worthy Jedi.

Anakin gets up slowly, still slightly engulfed in his sleeping body. The ship rattles forcefully, causing him to stumble into me. I lean back to create more space and rest my hands against the wall behind me. Another shift in the ship pushes Skywalker forward towards me, and he places his hands above me on the wall to steady himself.

I pause for a minute, feeling a slight blush start to form on my face. He doesn't push himself away immediately either, as if he wants to enjoy the moment for just a minute. Seconds pass by, then we're both shuffling away from each other, making sure to look the another way.

I catch Ahsoka's inquisitive gaze, and she raises her brow at me suggestively. I narrow my eyes at her and shake my head, acting like she was crazy to think there was something there.

She wasn't completely wrong, but then again she wasn't right. There isn't anything there, and I will do anything to make sure it stays that way. For his and my sake.


Hey guys! This part is a little short too, so sorry about that. Make sure to comment, question, or just say something in the comment section! Onto the next part...

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