Part 14

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Forever Boundless
(Season 3, Episode 15)

"A distress signal that hasn't been used for over 2,000 years?" Anakin's Padawan questions, not entirely trusting of this odd communication.

"Yup," Anakin replied simply.

Shortly after we arrived back on Coruscant, mission not fully successful, Obi Wan was called to a meeting with the Jedi Council. Meanwhile, Anakin gave the orders for the ship we had stolen to be returned to the Toydarians, not before making some adjustments to the mechanics.

Just like he did on Baltine, the Jedi Knight had me pass tools to him, and would toss them back without even looking to see if I was paying attention. His padawan joined us later after returning on a mission with the Senator of Naboo. For what, remains confidential.

That is when we were informed by Obi Wan on a new mysterious ghost mission, about a transmission that had a coded message not used by the Jedi for many years.

"2,000 years?" she asks in disbelief once again.

"Yes, Ahsoka. 2,000 years, now pipe down on the questions," her master asserts, growing easily agitated by the second. Now I finally know her name.

"What exactly do you guys think we'll find?" she commented, ignoring her teacher's wishes. I like her, she's not afraid to do as she pleases around him.

"I'm not sure, but I have a strange feeling about it," I answer before Skywalker can, helping Ahsoka avoid his temper tantrum. She looks at me thankfully, knowing my intention to help.

"That's precisely why we are meeting with a Jedi cruiser, so that way we're prepared for whatever this is," Anakin looks at me seated besides him in the co-pilot chair, monitoring the engines that were having a rough time when we were taking off.

So far, the compressor hasn't slipped up like it did before, which tells me that Skywalker did a good job fixing it.

"Speaking of, Anakin, transmit a connection to the cruiser to find out their location," Obi Wan instructs from the seat besides me, watching for any sign of the ship we are suppose to meet.

Anakin complies to his Master's order, pressing in the code number to the ship. Once the connection is established, a tiny holographic image of Captain Rex and a small group of his men appear.

"Rex. Rex, do you read me?" Skywalker calls out, the image slightly glitching from time to time. "We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?"

"Sir, we are at the rendezvous point, and there's no sign of you on our scanners," Rex reveals, and that strange feeling I feel nearly doubles.

"Oh, come on. That's impossible," he scoffs. I get up from my seat and lean over Anakin to look at the coordinates.

We are precisely where the point is, but there is no hint of their ship around us. I check the numbers again, yet sure enough they were put in right. Still leaning over Skywalker, I turn my head back at him and shake my head.

He knows what I mean immediately, and leans his head over besides mine to check my calculations. A look of consternation crosses his face when he looks back at me, not paying attention to our close proximity.

I straighten back up, crossing my arms in contemplation. Focusing my gaze at the dark space outside, I try to search for any source of life, but find nothing.

"Somethings wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here!" he tells Master Kenobi while throwing his hands up in frustration. "Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here."

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now