Part 8

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A Hidden Past

Their training facility is exactly what I expected: high ceiling, monotone pigments, and a set of workout materials for any activity out there. If I wanted to mountain climb, there was a section with tiny metal platforms infused into the wall for me to use. If I were to swim, a long lap pool would be waiting for me on the other side of the glass door.

Weights of all kinds are neatly placed into the corner of the room, while at the center is a elevated floor that has an red line painted around it. That must be for sparring. Different wooden staffs and weapons are hung up on a part of the wall, some sharp while others are mended into the most peculiar of shapes. Next to that are the electric staffs and guns that most likely are always on the stun setting.

Skywalker's Padawan peaks her head out from behind a large machine that is twice the size of myself, standing at almost eleven feet tall. I'm not entirely sure what it is until I follow Skywalker around the contraption and see a wooden staff that rests on top of a metal hook on either side. Slowly lifting my gaze, I see that there are more hooks that gradually get higher up until it reaches the top.

"It's used to help maintain body weight," the Jedi Knight informs me, then proceeding to grab the pole and set it on a higher level. I just stand and observe, watching him take his dark brown cloak and toss it to the side. Even through the leather, I see his muscles flexing with every slight movement.

"Oh great, he's gonna show off. I'm not watching this," his Padawan groans and walks away towards the sparring floor.

Anakin ignores his Padawan's seemingly normal antics and jumps up to wrap his hands around the pole tightly, with his fingers fiddling around the round surface trying to find the right spot. His body hangs limp for a moment, the shiny black boots barely swinging only to a focused eye. Then, with an impressive exertion, he leaps up higher and the wooden pole clanks onto the next level.

I hear the slight pants and groans as he reaches for another one, making it with ease. Once he gets to the top, he pushes off the side of the wall and flips back down to the floor, landing with poise.

I'm not infatuated over his strength. Instead, all my mind is set on is undermining it. I want to beat him at a game I've never played; an obstacle I haven't faced yet. I want to wipe that smug grin right off his face and then rejoice later when no one is around to see me smile.

Passing by Skywalker, I stand right in front of the workout instrument, only to notice that he left the stick at the top level. Without processing what I do, I reach my hand out believing that the utensil would come flying into my palm, only to realize that this kriffing collar won't let me. Preparing to leap my way up there, I feel something leaning on my back.

A gloved hand stretches over my head and the staff flies to it immediately. Turning to chastise my unwanted saviour, I can't help but feel the warmth of his proximity. He looks down at me with a proud smile which only angers me more.

"I could have gotten that myself," I grunt out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Not with my trusty collar on your pretty neck," he answers and touches his other hand to my collar, his gloved fingers lightly brushing against my skin.
Before I let myself get drawn in, I instinctively slap his hand away, grab the pole from his raised arm, and turn away.

"There were plenty of other ways I could have gotten it, without the Force," I point out while setting it a level higher than myself.

"And yet you mechanically went to use the Force before you even registered anything else. Quite lazy if you ask me," He chided.

"Most would say efficient," I reply simply, no train of annoyance nor aggression in my voice. When we were on our way here, he didn't speak a word to me. I wish he could go back to that version of himself.


"Coherent," I counter whilst peaking my head around a little bit to give a nasty side eye to the man that finds joy in contradicting every point I make. He leans against the wall, looking up at the ceiling with a bored expression. Before I let our bickering get to me, I make sure to breathe in nice and deeply, then leap up and grab the wooden staff.

Now fully focused on the task at hand, I put all my effort into breezing through this activity at a much quicker pace then the cocky loudmouth behind me.

From the top, I lean my head over and watch Skywalker's Padawan avoiding drones racing in all kinds of directions. As I concentrate my attention more, I see that her eyes are closed. Impressive.

I should really learn her name.

"These bots are thermal. Feel their heat in order to avoid them," the Jedi Knight's distant voice reaches from below when a bot knocks against the student's shoulder. Anakin now stands across the room facing towards me but examining his protégé.

"I already know that, Master," she snips at him.

"Then how come these things are hitting you left and right?" he asks as if he's waiting for her to snap at him.

"It only hit me once," she defends, dodging another attacker with a back handspring.

"One too many times," Yeesh, he's a little rough on her, but I know from experience that it will only make her stronger.

Seven Years Ago... (12 years old)

"Again," Master Rima states, not even passing me a observant glance. I've been at this drill for hours, trying to knock down every single kanooa from a kanooa tree in one single swipe of my staff. So far, I've only managed to knock down six. There are always eight sprouted on every tree.

We pass through the forest, me continuously tossing the wooden branch to no avail, but I don't have the bravery to speak up. I'm too weak to even knock down a couple of fruits. My master must sense my decreasing essence of hope and bends down to look at me, her red eyes gleaming in the sun.

"Padawan Nightstowe, I can assure you this is for your own good," she explains. "My master once had me do this same task."

"And did you succeed?" I can't help but ponder out loud.

"No... I only was able to hit four," she answers with a small, reminiscent smile. I feel a sense of hope flow it's way back into me.

End of Flashback


Heyy, so after another million years I posted the next part!! Thank you for the love with this story, I appreciate you guys so much💕💕 Sorry it's a bit shorter but it has good moments in it too. Make sure to comment, question, or just say something in the comment section! Onto the next part...

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