Part 4

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Evil, Villainous Killer

Kora's POV:

A big boom causes the whole ship to shake, waking me from my small nap. I scurry up in confusion, not sure what this means.

The Jedi shoots up from his chair and is clicking buttons from all over. Alarms start to go off, signaling that there has been damage to the ship.

"What's happening?" I question as I watch him flick switches.

"Someone's trying to shoot us down," he responds, still enwrapped in the technology before him. He goes to the wall to tries to pull a lever, so I decide to help him out a bit. I tug down the shield generators one by one, turning them on to help control the growing flames.

I look at the coordinates he set and noticed we were landing on a secluded planet in the Outer Rims. A beep goes off on the navigation screen, alerting that the ship needs to jump out of hyperspace in order to land on Baltine.

I reach over and sit down in the pilot chair, making the effort to jump out of hyperspace. It took me a second to find the proper controls due to the different layout of the ship, but I ended up figuring it out.

The Jedi  notices we're not in hyperspace, and turned to push his saber hilt under my chin.

"What are you doing?" He seethes in anger. Seems like he doesn't like when other people touches his toys.

"Helping you," I answer and lift my cuffed hands up to grab his wrist that holds his lightsaber. I try and yank his hand away from me but he fights it.

"Why?" He questions with suspicion.

"Cause I don't feel like dying today," I roll my eyes and he drops his saber down from my neck.

"Get out of my seat, I have to land my ship," he orders and pats my shoulder.

    "Aye, aye, Captain," I mutter and get up, heading back over to the co-pilot chair. He sits down on the seat, and starts guiding the ship towards Baltine.

    I can feel the air getting warmer from the fire as we catapult down into the planet below. I begin losing hope that this ship will make it, though when I look over at the mysterious Jedi, he seems as confident as ever.

    I have never grown scared once in my life, and have thought about the open, welcome arms of death before. I once believed that I would be okay with succumbing to it. But now, in these moments, I grow terrified of the thought.

    So much so that I decide to do the one thing I sworn never to tell.

    "Kora," I say, my whole body tense. I look over and watch as the Jedi narrows his eyes in confusion.

    "What?" He asks.

    "My name.. is Kora," I expected him to question why I would be admitting this in these moments, but all he did was stay silent.

    "Anakin," he introduces after a minute. He continues, "My name is Anakin.. Anakin Skywalker."

    I remain quiet, testing the name out in my head and mouthing it with my lips. Anakin. I like it. There's something special about it.

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