Part 7

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A Look

"I'm sorry, don't I get a say in this?" Anakin steps forward, turning around the room to look at the council members.

"No. No, you do not," Obi Wan answers. Anakin throws his hands up and sighs to himself. I stand there frozen, my eyes now locked onto the floor. I still haven't processed all that has happened in the last... five minutes I would say.

Who knew that five minutes would change my life? Only question I'm asking myself is if it changes it for the better, or for the worse?


I follow Skywalker like a lost puppy as he scurries down the hallway. I can hear incoherent mumbles, but identify words like "stupid", "hate", "no time", and "kriffing bounty hunter." I don't think he knows that I am following him, but what else am I supposed to do? He can't exactly trace my force signature since it's diminished by the stupid collar around my neck.

He stops before a door and uses the force to slide it open. Right as I'm about to walk through it, the thing almost shuts on my face. I close my eyes and tighten my fists, trying not to swing at a door. Lifting my hand, I use the force to reopen it and stride into what looks to be his quarters.

The shower is running in another room, telling me that he's washing off after a stressful day. I decide to lean against the wall and wait for him to get out. Picking myself up from the wall, I walk around his room and take the time to examine it.

It's messy but in a way that is almost organized, if that makes any sense. The bed isn't made, but the pillow is positioned in a certain way, most likely for his comfort. There are tools spread out on the nightstand, along with an opened book.

A large shelf full of books and these interesting artifacts tower next to me. There are these exotic plants in pots, multiple rows of different glowing crystals, and carefully carved items, either made from stone, wood, or clay.

Mechanical parts are scattered around a desk area, but I noticed there are separate groups in which they are ordered in. One row of screws is grouped by size and the other is grouped in how much electrical conductivity the type of metal has.

To the right of the screws and bolts, there is some sort of electrical scanner that has wires hanging out of it. A light flashes yellow every four seconds, and a dim, blue light stays on right next to it. Stepping closer to get a better look at the wiring, I notice the yellow light flash more frequently and the blue light gets brighter.

My presence seems to alter the electric flow of the machine, but in what way, I'm not quite sure yet. Closing my eyes, I tune out all of my surroundings, apart from the low hum of the apparatus. The device hums get louder when I take a step forward. I back up as the noise gets quieter and quieter. It is either a device that tracts heat sources or force in the air.

"It's able to track force-flow in the air through the change of energy in the atmosphere," I conclude to myself in a barely coherent mumble. I open my eyes and break my concentration with the machine.

"That's right," a voice agrees from behind me. I immediately whip my head around to find Skywalker standing right behind me with just a rope tied loosely around his waist. From what I can see, the Jedi's chest is extremely toned from all of the physical exertion he does on the daily.

Boy does it pay off... There are water droplets trickling down his body from his hair, which is curled in waves that drip with water. His eyes are a vibrant blue that stands out from his other features.

"Which part of me are you ogling at?" All of them. "Is it my hair, my eyes, my lips, my arms, my chest, my—"

"Your arm," I specify, "the mechanical one. I've never seen one before." There is no reaction to my response, no indication of doubt nor disappointment on his face. He holds his metal arm out to me and gives me a nod to examine it.

I cautiously move closer to him and take the arm in my hand. Turning it over, I look at how careful the placement is of the wires. They are positioned exactly where his nerves would be. That kind of precision would have to be the work of a neurologist, or an extremely talented mechanic.

Holding the palm of his metal arm, I raise my head up to meet his eyes.

"Who designed this?" I question. It's brilliant, I think to myself.

"I did," he reveals. I try to find any look of cockiness on his face but come up short. He says it like it is no big deal, which it isn't. I want to tell him that his creation is amazing, that he is amazing, but it wouldn't be right.

I'm the bounty hunter, and he was the Jedi set out to capture me. It's better to keep the line drawn rather than to cross it; that's what my morals think, but I can't figure out what I alone feel. I have known this man for little time, yet I can tell he is special from just his mere presence.

There's something about him that is different, which makes me want to uncover it even more. Our bodies are close, just the distance of my hand on his fake one that keeps us apart. I find myself leaning my body closer and notice he's doing it to.

Our eyes are interlocked with emotions I can't identify, but I know it's a feeling that shouldn't be there. The silence is not awkward, rather compelling as I peer my eyes up at him with an innocent look on my face. And then his comlink goes off.

The energy I felt fades, and I force myself to rip my eyes away from his hand look at the com that's on the table; it blinks an urgent green light. He leans his body over and grabs it with his mechanical hand, pressing the button.

"Master, you promised you would teach me that flashy move when I came back," the voice of a Padawan speaks.

"Yeah yeah, meet me in the pit in thirty minutes. I have to take care of something first," he instructs, following with a simple okay from his Padawan. The green light diminishes and the connection is broken, leaving me with all his attention once again.

Placing the communicator back down, he leans back up to stand at his full height. This time, our hands do not occupy the space between us. I could step forward, he could step forward, but instead we both step back.

"I'll be outside," I tell him and make my way to his door. Before I open it, I turn back to look at him and already find him staring back at me. It's just a small look that only lasts a couple seconds, and soon enough I'm walking out the door sighing to myself.

I looked back when I shouldn't have, and he was looking back right at me.


Hiii, so after like a million years I posted the next part!! Thank you for the love with this story, I appreciate you guys so much💕💕 Make sure to comment, question, or just say something in the comment section! Onto the next part...

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