Part 17

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That Night
(Season 3, Episode 15)

Obi-Wan's POV:

Ahsoka and I found rest in a cave near where our ship should have been. With a fire set up in the middle of the flat space, Ahsoka sleeps soundly against a rock.

Myself, however, sits awake in deep thought about our circumstances. One after the other, strange things have occurred. This was supposed to be a simple mission to meet Captain Rex and the Jedi cruiser at the given location.

Now, I am stuck in a cave, avoiding the harsh rain whilst Anakin is doing Force knows what. I'd rather not think about him right now, or else I'll get too anxious.

I'm aware he can handle himself perfectly fine, after all he's stronger than me. But he's still a boy, not wise enough to make rational decisions and too arrogant for his own good.

A river rushes through my senses, alerting me there is something else here. Raising my head to look around, I see nothing but darkness and glowing crystals.

I check on Ahsoka, seeing that she still remains asleep. Turning my head to look towards the way we came in, an all too familiar voice speaks to me.

"Obi Wan, have you done as I asked? Have you trained the boy?" his deep voice questions. I turn to see the ghost of my former master, Qui-Gon Jinn, still wearing the same Jedi robes I watched him pass away in.

Jumping from my relaxed seat on the hard rock, I unleash my lightsaber and hold it defensively towards him.

"Master Qui-Gon, how are you here?" my confusion is displayed in my unsteady voice. After all, I haven't seen the comforting face of my master since his death on Naboo all those years ago.

I was just a boy, like Anakin, too young to watch his master die.

"I am here because you are here," he walks around, the white fog surrounding him follows in pursuit.

"No," I mumble at first, before saying, "I don't understand. What is this place?" He turns away from me, still striding around the dark landscape.

"Unlike any other, a conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows," my former Master explains, waving his hand through the air.

I feel the wind of his movement brush against my cheek, and sense the strong Force signature that goes with it.

"Are we in danger?" I lower my weapon slightly, face tilted with concern. The real question remains stuck in my throat. Is Anakin in danger?

"This planet is both an amplifier and a magnet. Three are here who seek Skywalker," he continues to explain. "They, like me, believe him to be the Chosen One."

At that statement, I relinquish the blue ray of my saber, knowing the ghost of my master is no threat. A sudden comfort washes over me, relieved to be able to speak to my Master again.

All of the former troubles I had with Anakin growing up, I always spoke to the Force, hoping Qui-Gon would join me at least once. He never came, and I had to go by without any advice on my difficult, but special, student.

"You were right. The Force within him is stronger than any known Jedi. I've trained him as well as I could, but... he's still willful and balance eludes him," I reveal, my doubts on my former Padawan's mindset shining through.

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