Part 10

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Meddled Feelings

(Season 3, Episode 14 - if you want to follow along)

'I don't know what happens to me when you're around,'

Every time my mind tries to run away from the nagging feeling in my chest, his words echo back to me. I'm not sure if what he meant was an insult, or rather a compliment.

Usually, I would perceive it as a jibe towards myself, but the way he said it caused a different reaction in me. His voice was barely above a whisper, like his meaning was so delicate he had to make sure not to shatter the words with too much volume.

Then when I questioned it, he shut down by receding back to his usual self, and our usual dynamic, which is to either ignore or fight with one another. I find it easier to ignore then to fight back, but he always says something that irks me in the wrong way, causing me to retaliate.

It's a never-ending battle, one that I'm growing more exhausted of day by day. The moments where we act civil are the ones that play in my head at night, when the Sun falls asleep, and the Moon just begins to wake.

There is no direct reason for why we don't get along, just the heavy fog of tension that spikes up when we're in a room together. I can feel his presence without turning my head nor using the Force, but only with a slight burning sensation in my heart. Not enough to hurt, but strong enough to notice.

That same sudden feeling wakes me from my sleep, causing a wave of heat to spread throughout my body. I sit up from the slim, uncomfortable bed that's placed in each of the resting rooms for longer journeys.

With a quick scan of my surroundings, a strange realization dawn on me that no one is in here, specifically he isn't here. How strange that our odd connection seems to be faltering. A feeling of relief fully relaxes me back onto the bed, and I try to let myself drift off with the hum of machinery buzzing through the walls.

I feel a sting in my chest. My eyes fly open as I sit back up once again, holding my hand over my heart in hopes it would somehow relieve the slight pain.

"Good, you're awake," a deep voice exhales, then proceeds. "We'll be arriving soon so make sure to change into the robes in the closet. Meet us in the cockpit when you're done." Right away Skywalker goes to leave, but I interrupt his exit.

"Where is the closet?" my voice scratches a bit from not being used for hours and has a slight drag to it from the drowsiness of just waking up. My eyes squint up at him, awaiting a point in the right direction.

Instead, he grabs my arm and pulls me off of the bed, leading me out the door. Winding around a couple of corners, I stumble into him when he stops in front of the closet. It opens automatically at our presence, a dark, grey-colored set of Jedi robes waiting for me.

They want me to pretend to be a Jedi to hide my true identity. That won't be hard, I've been hired to be a "Jedi" millions of times that I've practically mastered the art.

I feel his grip loosen on my arm as he walks away without saying anything. It seems Ignorance is today's theme for our interactions, or rather lack of them.

Grabbing each set of materials, I make my way back to the room I was in, occasionally having to reroute which way to go through memory. The robes were easy to move in, much to my surprise, and the armored, corset-like chest plate I clipped on fit snug to my chest.

Amidst the pile of clothes, a black leather utility belt with the Republic symbol on the side piqued my interest. It had two lightsaber holders that were equally shaped to my own, like this attire was made specifically for my use. I would be surprised if it was.

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