Part 15

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The Daughter
(Season 3, Episode 15)

My eyes slowly blink open, a temporary darkness filled with a radiant light. My vision still blurs a bit, but I am certain I'm still on the ship.

I have no memory of getting knocked out, but it appears that way because we are no longer engulfed by the strange light. Instead, as my eyes focus forwards, we are stationed on somewhere beautiful.

My gaze moves down to the rest of the crew, who still appear to be asleep. Taking that as my chance to look around, I stand up and walk to the front.

Pressing a hand against the window, I stare out towards the natural world in front of me, not corrupted by the carnage of the mind nor the pollution of our self-deprivation.

The feeling in the air is full of light, but I can sense the dark shadows lurking beyond the horizon. This world isn't right. It's too perfect. It seems too balanced, yet I can't shake the feeling that darker forces are arising.

I want to explore it more and find the secrets that are hidden under the utopia in front of me.

"I must have blacked out," So engrossed in my own thoughts, I don't notice the others began to stir. I turn to see Anakin rub his eyes, a confused look on his face.

"Then who landed the shuttle?" Obi Wan asks, not entirely woken up from his long slumber.

I hadn't thought about that; I was so focused on where we are that I didn't wonder how we got here.

"Not me," Ahsoka speaks up groggily, trying to adapt to the change in environment. They all look at me with hope that I will satisfy their unsettlement, but I shake my head no.

"Mmm, where are we?" Anakin scratches the back of his head, squinting his eyes as he looks out towards the scenery outside. Ahsoka turns her seat to the side and clicks some buttons.

"Some kind of organic mass," She states not sure of the data on the screen. "All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an asteroid. But at least the atmosphere is breathable."

Moving back to my seat, I take my cloak off and hang in on the chair. The beaming rays shining down tell me that this unknown planet has got quite a humid temperature.

Leaning my back against the wall, right near the exit door, I wait until they are done with their examination of the ship to walk out and explore. Anakin tells us that the ships network is completely fine, but for some reason it isn't working.

That spikes my interest, so I take that as my leave and walk down the platform. The land surrounding me feels similar to Naboo, yet holds a different aura in the air.

It is almost ethereal in a way. I can't really explain it. Crouching down onto my elbows, I crawl under the ship near the main power source, hidden right in between the wings. A clever design by whomever made it.

I try unscrewing the tight hold on the cover with my nails, since I didn't bring any tools with me, but it doesn't budge. Making the effort again, I stop in my tracks when I hear shuffling and slight groaning getting closer to me.

Turning my head, I see Skywalker with a box of tools making his way over. Relief causes my tight shoulders to relax, but I make sure not to show my thankfulness or else it will get to his head.

"Seems you forgot something," he jokes, pushing the box over to me. Waving my hand over the lock, I hear a high-pitched click and a slam when it opens. Grabbing the right sized screwdriver, I fit it into the dent of the screw.

At first, I try to use one hand to turn it, but it isn't as easy as it should be. I place my other gloved hand on and try again, but it still doesn't go all the way. I hear Skywalker's abrupt sigh and know he's gonna budge in at any moment.

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