Part 28

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You Don't Get It
(Season 3, Episode 17)

Kora's POV:

My head isn't clear. There are gaps between memories of being on that planet with Master Kenobi, Ahsoka, and Skywalker. Though I feel that my breaks in time were intentional, as if someone plucked them from my film and forgot to stitch up the loose ends.

The only thing left lingering is an agony that leaves my body brittle, my appearance cadaverous, and a mental strain in my want to continue.

Training sessions have become slower, as if time is walking through quick sand. Slowly slipping away. Sinking lower and lower.

Skywalker has definitely noticed, though he hasn't mentioned my switch in mentality. Instead, he pushes me harder, giving me more simulations that have me outnumbered seventy-to-one, and the stun level set on five.

That's where I am now, huddled behind a barrier with both lightsabers in hand, not yet activated. Rather than focusing on the blaring gunshots shooting above my head, I'm still contemplating this strange feeling of helplessness.

"Stop hiding! You still have twenty more battle droids to go," Skywalker's venomous voice echoes around the room. Since that night when we kissed, he's been cold and uncaring towards me.

I thought we were finally getting somewhere from enemies to... well who knows what, but I had hope. Something I've lost all of, now.

I switch my position on the ground so I'm crutched down on my feet, ready to explode out of the tight spot I'm in. Looking at the bullet patterns on the wall in front of me, I identify that there are more frequent shots pointed at the left side of the wall, meaning there are more droids to my right.

I push towards the left side. Sliding under a droid's legs, I jump up and slice through the center of its metal body. Before the battalion of droids have time to change their aim, I force push half of the bunch into the other group's line of fire, and slice through the remaining four droids.

Left side down, right side of twelve droids left to go.

"Sloppy," his harsh voice cuts through my concentration, causing my chest to ache with hurt. My grip on my lightsabers tighten with frustration, settling the urge to take a stun gun and shoot it directly at Skywalker's head.

Shots ring out closer to my spot behind a tall metal platform. I see laddered stones protruding from every raised podium, giving me another idea. Get the high ground, attack from above. Should be simple enough.

Bending down towards the ground, I feel the Force move to the spring in my legs and let it fly. Landing cleanly on the twenty foot scaffolding, the other platforms begin to rise and fall with aggressive motions.

Shots start climbing up the podium wall, getting closer to me. I don't have any time to think this through. Only three words cycle into my mind before I'm moving.




I'm not sure what the real pattern is. All I'm doing is judging the current height of when I jump onto the platform, and just use numbers to time it right.

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