Part 25

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Just Breathe
(Season 3, Episode 17)

The plan worked.

Ahsoka now remains a figure in the dust, blowing her away as more seconds pass. He's angry. More than ever, as if the only emotion in his heart is fury. He races out of the ship, wanting to charge after the fading girl, but I don't let him break into a stride.

Standing up from my hiding spot, I make a running leap into the air and land on his back. Tackling him to the floor, I release my arms from his neck and roll away. Feeling for my right saber, my battle instincts shift into gear once the blue light ignites. I reach behind my back to take my other out, ready to battle whatever version of Anakin I'm gonna face.

He's crouched down in a cat-like stance, anticipating when to strike at any inconspicuous moment. His blue saber shines off of his yellow eyes, a dramatic irony I thought I never would have to see. Once he identifies his attacker as his almost conquest, an insidious smirk slowly creeps its way onto his face.

"Always interfering, aren't you Kora?" He chastises angrily, a scowl following his tone of voice. My face remains stoic with no sign of emotion from his crude jab. We start pacing around in a circle, a six foot diameter between us. "Why don't we put this all to rest?"

"Put what to rest?" I ask simply, not entirely convinced of his possible peace offering. His velvet laugh contrasts with the adoring one I have heard so little of. This laugh is menacing, almost deceitful in its smooth annunciation. Each breath in and out is so carefully constructed, but also so messily intertwined as if not natural.

"Everything," he answers softly, slowing his pace around me. "Im almost—boundless— in a way. Nothing can hold me back anymore." I hate that he used my own title for his own misguided agenda, undermining the true meaning behind it that no one but myself has discovered all these years.

"Holding you back from what? The dark side?" I insinuate, trying to ease my way into reasoning with him. It's most likely not gonna work, but I'm just trying to buy any time I can muster for Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. The space between us grows smaller as more words are spoken, now only two feet away. Both weapons are drawn, but forgotten by the overwhelming power to our discussion.

"Well, yes. But more importantly what the dark side has gifted me," his eyes widen mischievously, his scarred brow raised in desiring anticipation. He knows what I will ask next, and knows exactly what he will reply. I still ask.

"And what is that gift?" My voice flows out in a breathe, now standing so close to one another only our lightsabers keep us apart. He turns his weapon off, letting me look into the masked golden eyes of a man lost in his own sedition.

"The freedom... to kiss your lips," he whispers whilst leaning down towards my face. His empty hands pull my sabers away from the space in between. I wouldn't normally allow myself to succumb to his dark charms, but for the bidding of more time, I comply. I thought the second time our lips would touch, it would be by lustful mistake, not by strategic stalling. I also thought his lips would be cold, like his new demeanour, but they are just as warm as the first time.

A perfect cupid's bow shape to fit with my own, interlocked by the beat of two hearts that never interchange.

He caresses my waist, gliding his hand everywhere he can reach. I run my fingers through his hair and tug it back slightly, causing him to moan against my mouth. With a small smile, I feel the warmth of his hand leave my lower back. His other gloved hand brushes my cheek softly in an innocent manner.

I should have known that wasn't right.

A sharp pain erupts in my thigh, and my leg immediately collapses. I begin to fall down, but he catches me in his arms. He hugs me close to his body as I lay silently, internally screaming in pain.

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