Part 31

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Mission Debrief
(Season 3, Episode 18)

"Master Yoda," I acknowledge out loud, astounded by his unexpected presence. His hands firmly grasp my arms to stop the shaking, nails slightly stabbing into my skin.

"Padawan Vyla-Kora Nightstowe," he replies back plainly, raising a brow at me. I scrunch mine back perplexed with wonder until I realize he said my name. My full name at that.

I rip my wrists from his grip, questions beginning to form on my lips. They stop short on my tongue once he giggles at me like I've done something absolutely hilarious. Waiting for the moment he stops his amused laughter, I take a look at my surroundings. Books that were placed neatly on shelves now are splattered on the floor, some open at odd angles. The lights have gone out, apart from Coruscant's sun shining into the room.

"Stating names, we weren't?" Master Yoda inquires with another small fit of laughter.

"How do you know mine?" My question brushes off my tongue with ease, an urgent sense of eagerness forming within. My hands begin to feel like they need to move in order for me to stay sane, so i strum my fingers against my legs waiting for a reply. The Jedi Master takes his sweet old time, however, contemplating on what to say with his weirdly structured sentences. "Always known, I have," he answers, clearly attempting to be as vague as possible. I'm not going to allow that.

With slight frustration in my voice, I rephrase my question. "How did you figure it out?" I ask once more, hoping that I'll get the confirmation I need. Anakin must have told him as soon as we parted ways after my embarrassing outbreak of emotion. There must be no other way, unless his connection with the Force is as strong as many claim it to be. "Through Skywalker, I did not discover. Searched through the Force, did I," the little man specified, answering both of my assumptions as if he'd read my mind. There's no way, right? "Since news of the Boundless Jedi, known have I. Easy to identify, force signature strong. Forget, not I."

"Then why wait until now to tell me?" That's not the right question, though I ask it anyways. He glances out towards the window, watching the Sun slightly peak from around a skyscraper.

"Needed the distraction, did you," he responds softly, a tint of sympathy within his tone. I smile at this, recalling the times where Master Yoda was once my rock as a padawan. He never gave up on me even when I struggled, and always stayed up till the crack of dawn just to help me grow as a Jedi. It was he who showed me how to control the leaves, he who taught me to control the overwhelming powers of the Force.

But he wasn't there to help me control it when I was using it to murder others. If he were there, maybe I wouldn't have become a monster.

"Dwell on your past, do not. Look towards the future, you should," He advises with a wave of his hand. I shake my head, reluctant to hear anything but my guilt. "I have killed for the simple pleasure of power and a pretty penny. How can I ever escape from that?" I shake my head as the innocent faces I've taken flash across my mind. Mina Bonteri's face is last.

"Escape, you cannot. But ask yourself, you must. That person, are you truly?" Master Yoda points his small hand towards my heart, one finger softly tapping the cool exterior of silver armor. His eyes are soft behind the crinkle of his brows that show his loss to time. "The case, if it were. Feel this guilt, you would not."


Master Yoda left shortly after his statement, allowing for me to truly think about his words. I do feel guilty. Guilty to the point where I question my own standing in this world, and whether I should play a part in it. If I were a complete monster, there would be a void where that guilt runs rampant. Then again if I didn't have any darkness in me, I wouldn't have agreed to murder in the first place. So what does that make me? A hero or a villain? Good or bad? Can there be a middle ground for that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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