Part 18

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Everything All At Once
(Season 3, Episode 15)

Its so quiet. Not the kind of quiet where nothing can be heard, but the type where everything is blocked out, and you just hear one single comforting sound. For me, that sound is him breathing in front of me, deep, husky breaths that show his need for me as my own do to him.

The only touch is hands holding each others', locked onto the rhythmic beat of our hearts. I'm restless with so little touch. My mind is digging a harsh dagger into part of my heart, telling me I shouldn't be doing this; that I shouldn't be feeling this.

The other part only beats in compliance with his, not saying a single word but speaking volumes.

I'm hesitant, not sure of what to do next. This moment drives such intimacy, building a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Yes, I have had a fair share of affairs, but nothing compares to the forbidden tension I feel with every intake and release.

Though when I finally lift my eyes to his own heated gaze, we break.

Unshackling the invisible bounds we thought never to dismantle, and instead bind our bodies to one another.

He leans down and kisses me with a rough sense of need, our hands still interlocked onto our chests. I embrace the warmth of his soft lips and return with my frostbitten ones, like fire melting ice for the first time.

My back makes contact with the wall, his chest flush against mine. I free one of my hands and wrap it around his head, slightly gripping the sandy brown curls.

He uses his free mechanical hand to lay on my lower back, holding us closer then we previously were. A battle for dominance surges, and I almost laugh at the fact that we even fight when we're making out.

Wrapping my legs around his torso, I fully cement myself to the feeling of pleasure when our bodies rub slightly.

It's as hot as Tatooine's core. It's as cold as the caves on Hoth. It's everything all at once, yet nothing I've ever experienced before.

And then it stops.

Then his lips aren't on mine anymore. Then I'm dropped down onto the floor. Then I'm left slouching  down with eyes widened with shock.

He paces around the room, both hands ruffling through his mane of locks. I'm still, careful not to breath too loudly in hopes he won't explode with all the emotions piled into his head. He won't look at me.

In a moment like this I once thought I wouldn't feel hurt, but I was wrong. My stomach drops tremendously and chills crawl up my arms like unwanted spiders.

I'm hurt, but I'm not broken. I scurry off the floor and race out the door before he can turn to look back at me. Walking with a tiny amount of speed to my step, I try a few more doors down and see an identical room to the one before.

A simple blanket, pillow, and identical window waits in front of me. I embrace the opportunity, cuddling into the blanket and resting my head against the soft material. Letting the sound of a near storm put me to sleep, I don't let myself shed a single tear.


I wake up slightly sweaty and disfigured of the environment around me. Something is different. I'm always cold no matter where I go. Something is wrong.

Getting up quickly, I make my way out of the guest room and down the narrow hallway. Tracing my fading steps back to the main entrance, I pause to conceal myself once I see Anakin speaking to the Elder.

"The 'Chosen One' is a myth," Anakin points out, his unlit lightsaber in hand. He's deeply confused, I can sense it in his heart.

"Is it?" the man speaks up, "I should very much like to know. Why don't we find out together? Pass one test, and I shall know the truth. Then, you, your friends, and your love may leave."


The bright day welcomes me when I walk out of the narrow passageway. My presence still unknown, I stand atop one of the platforms that oversee a latre arena-like floor down below. In the middle, stands the Elder and Skywalker, deep in an unknown conversation.

A loud shriek startles me from above, and two large eagles land down on opposite sides of the Jedi Knight. One as dark as the night sky, with hints of crimson layered in between, and the other as light as the rays of the stars themselves, intertwined with a teal and gold pallet I recognize from before.

The daughter represents the light side, and I'm guessing her brother, the black bird, represents the dark side. Grappled in the Brother's grip is Ahsoka, hanging flimsily on the ground. Tight in the Daughter's hold is Obi Wan, trapped in a deep sleep.

The Brother shrieks loudly, followed by Ahsoka who screams something to her Master. The Daughter growls deeply back at her kin, Obi Wan grunting as he tries to get free.

Anakin seems angry when he speaks to the Elder, a harsh snarl even I can hear from here.

"Oh, but I think you will. I have ordered my children to kill your friends, and I myself will kill your love. The question is..." He's gone from the middle of the circle, until I feel the beam of Anakin's lightsaber sizzle slightly against my neck. The elder holds it there, and finishes his statement, "which one you will choose to save?"

"Your master? Your apprentice? Or your infatuation?" the Elder taunts, voice booming around the structure and through the terrain of mountains. "You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing."

"No!" Anakin roars back, a viscous grudge in his voice.

"Their powers are too strong for us, Anakin. Save Ahsoka," Obi Wan strains out, a noble sacrifice for the young girl. I see the Brother's claw tighten, causing a loud cry from the small Padawan. My eyes burn slightly, tears of anger forming on the rims.

"Let them go," Anakin demands once more, his heartbeat pounding with such vain, in line with my own.

"Only you can make my children release them," The Elder advises, and I notice how he doesn't include himself in that statement. Anakin stares at the Father for a moment, before finally looking at me.

The only thing I do is mouth the words "Save them" and he seems to get the underlying truth to my message. The message that I will be killed no matter what. The message that he may control the children, but not the Father.


Hey guys, I apologize for how short this one is but it is QUITE EVENTFUL. I felt like torturing y'all with the cliffhanger for a bit, lmao. This IS a slow burn, just not the one you're thinking of. Make sure to comment, question, or just say something in the comment section! Onto the next part...

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