Part 24

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Future Within The Fog
(Season 3, Episode 17)

Darkness has captured every once living thing, the only light being the radioactive glow of crystal rocks that line the long dirt path. A rainstorm has covered all of the land, spraying down a cold mist that sends shivers up my spine. My arms are wrapped around his waist, a little too loosely for my comfort but I don't want to have to touch him any more than I should.

He drives so recklessly, not caring enough to not turn abruptly, nor safely avoid any incoming obstacles. He dodges them at the last second, as if the thrill of almost dying excites him. Every time he does, I hold on tighter and dig my nails into his robes.

Though for all of the trip, I remain silent, not condemning him for piloting so callously. He has definitely caught on to my anxious feelings, but I think he's waiting for me to finally explode. I wont give him the satisfaction though, and try to focus more on the nice feeling of rain landing on my cheeks.


Once we reached the Father, he appears to be closing  an entrance to a grave, presumably his daughter's. Anakin doesn't say anything, but he doesn't have to. I am to stay with the speeder.

The rain has stopped now, but the storm clouds still hover above, resting their energy for just a few moments. He walks up the stairs steadily, his steps as quiet as the night of Naboo once all life goes to bed.

The conversation is muffled, overwhelmed by sudden gusts of wind, the father's doing most likely. Their discussion is short, and once over, Anakin heads back down towards me. He doesn't stop his stride even after he reaches me and continues to walk through the rocky terrain.

I hold out my hand to try and reach for him, but he is already to far away to touch. I try to summon my voice but only an exhale of air comes out. Turning back to the Elder, he shakes his head and I understand that Skywalker has to walk alone.

I wait impatiently, debating on whether I should just disobey his boundaries and go after him, but he returns before I make the irrational decision. He doesn't speak to me but it's not out of defiance, more like he's in deep thought. Swinging his leg over the speeder, he turns his head slightly to look back at me. 

Responding with action, I hoist myself on behind him and secure my arms around his torso. As soon as he feels my touch, Skywalker races out towards another direction, but not the one going back.

"Where are we going?" I interrogate him, but get no answer. The landscape changes slightly, and now we are in a narrow ravine that has glowing dead trees sticking out of the solid ground.

"Anakin, stop!" I yell out, which causes him to come to a short stop, sending us flying off of the speeder. He's turns toward me and tucks my head into his chest, bracing for the rough landing. His back hits the floor first, then we roll down the path until our momentum simmers.

All of his weight is on me, but that's not what ticks me off. I wrap my legs around his and flip us over, grabbing a dagger from my right boot. Holding it up to his throat, I lean down towards his face to look him square in the eye.

"What in the Force was that for? I annunciate every word, but do not raise my tone in indication of anger. The worst type of fury is the silent one.

"You told me to stop," he replies simply, as if it was obvious for him to send us flying off a speeder onto hard rock.

"Yeah, but I didn't say to practically kill us both," I remove the dagger from its place near his throat and get up, walking back toward where the vehicle hovers without a scratch. "Whatever you have to do, do it fast. I'm staying by the speeder."

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