Part 5

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    I sit outside letting the rainfall plunder down and hope to drown myself in it. Skywalker is inside working on the ship, not speaking a word to me after our quarrel.

    I don't know what to do out here, so I just watch a puddle get bigger and bigger as the rain topples into it. The gloomy setting seems like it is a painting from my mind; it represents how melancholy I feel in these moments.

    I wanted to give the Jedi space, but now I'm growing impatient and feel the need to apologize. All of my thoughts out here were all centered around what would I say when I apologize, yet I can't find the words to express my sorrow.

    Only two words seem to make sense to me. I get up from my seat on the wing of the ship and hop down, hearing the mud slush with my pressed-on weight.

    I venture back onto the ship and walk around, peeking in rooms to try and find him. I find him in a random hallway, replacing tarnished wires with new ones.

    "What do you want?" He feels my presence as I walk up behind him. His tone of voice hurts, but it does not surprise me.

    "I'm sorry," I voice out the two words I agreed to say. He sighs and drops his hands from the circuits.

    "Look, I judged you so you judged me; it's fine," he pauses but then continues,"Though that friendly conversation can't happen again. We're not friends catching up, we're just..."

    "Just what?" I question.

    "Enemies," he finishes and gives me a side glance. I scoff as I begin to walk away, but then stop to turn back to him.

    "Is that you or your morals speaking?" I ask, cuddling the cloak closer to my cold body.

    "My morals," he replies simply.


The rain has stopped, so Anakin turned off the shields and went outside to work on the damage outside of the ship. The Sun shines through the trees, adding a luscious glow to the mellow, foggy landscape.

I decided to space myself from the Jedi and work on my connection with Baltine. Of all the planets I have gone to, Baltine is one of the ones that isn't completely overrun by humanization.

    While I am sitting down on the now dry grass trying to raise the three boulders in front of me, I hear a beep of a droid. The rocks slam back onto the ground and my eyes open.

    I turn to see a blue and white droid coming towards me. I also notice the wet cloak I took off and placed on the ground to dry.

    "And who are you?" It beeps to me, moving so it stands right next to me.

    "A friend," I pat his rounded top with a small smile.

    "A friend of Anakin's?" He chirps. I notice how happy the droid seems, always bubbly and positive.

    "Not exactly," I answer with a small sigh.

    The droid, who introduced himself as R2D2, stayed with me while I focus on my technique. Though I am in quite the scramble with his companion, he seems like he doesn't mind me.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now