Part 12

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Yin and Yang
(Season 3, Episode 14)

The planet of Toydaria is on the opposite side of the color scale compared to Dathomir. Everything in the air is a swampy green. The sky? Green. The clouds? Green. Even building structures are green. Seems to be a common theme around here.

The ship lands on a small platform in the sky, attached to the King of Toydonia's palace. When we walk out of the ship, I spot a small orb-like structure parked on the other side of the strip.

"That's one of Dooku's ships," I remark, nodding my head toward its general direction.

"Seems like we're in the right place," Master Kenobi replies, standing in front of the dead body of a guardsman, a hole in the center of his chest. We follow the trial of bodies that lead to the main entrance of the palace.

Racing through the narrow hall, it leads us to a tall room with different floor levels levitating in the air. At the very top level, where the throne is set, Savage Opress has the King knocked out cold on his shoulder.

"At last," Obi Wan says, eyeing the intimidating man. Even from here I can tell he is over seven feet tall, with shoulders stretched wide and muscles that ripple his body like waves to an ocean.

This man is pure power, but also pure magic. Nothing about him is natural except for the Dathomirian magic that courses through his veins, glowing an emerald hue.

Anakin and Obi Wan begin racing for the platforms that are still resting on the ground, meanwhile I'm strategizing a way to climb the walls in order to get to the target. As soon as they take a step onto the disk, it begins floating up to the same height as the one Savage is on.

The King wakes up, scurrying out of Savage's grip and flying upward, away from the madness that's about to ensue. Being momentarily distracted, the two Jedi take the chance to pounce and jump onto the Dathomirian's disk, immediately lunging on top of him.

I take that as my chance to get to the King, and swiftly sprint to a wall. Then, at the last second, I leap up and use the Force to catch myself, hands and feet resting against the wall like a spider.

I jump onto another divot in the elaborate ceiling structure, my hands wrapping around the boarder of a piece of ceiling art. Using my momentum to swing myself forward and back, I tilt my head down to look at what's going on.

Savage has his hand stretched out towards the King, choking him with the Force. With a hard hit to both Jedi, he single-handedly knocks them away and I hear the crack of the King's neck. Then the drop of his body when he hits the floor.

The King was murdered by the ruthless assassin.

A loud grunt sounds out when the Dathomirian sends both Anakin and Obi Wan flying off of him, leaving Anakin holding onto the ledge with one hand and the other grasping Obi Wan. Savage approaches them, his red double-sided lightsaber fully ignited.

I take that as my chance to lower myself down slowly, but he steps on Skywalker's hand, causing the Jedi Knight to let go.

"Anakin!" I release my grip on the Force and go flying down, landing right behind Savage. Immediately springing into action, I jump up and wrap my legs around his neck, using all my strength, and some help from the Force, to slam him down onto the floor.

About to take out my lightsabers, I feel a hard squeeze in my throat. My feet lift into the air and I claw at my neck, trying to take as much air in as I can.

I watch as Savage stabs his lightsaber into the center of the disk, destroying its energy and sending it flying back downwards, where the two Jedi lay weakened.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now