Part 22

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Yellow Eyes
(Season 3, Episode 16)

I awake to a room of darkness with no signature of light anywhere but the dim, red beacon of my comm-link. The Son is no where to be found, leaving me to register what I saw in those visions. I don't believe for one second that they may be fully true, but a deep worry still simmers in the pit of my stomach.

If I continue down this path with the Jedi, will I risk a doomed fate? Whatever decision I make depends upon Anakin's destiny as well as my own. Our connection feels dangerous. Even when we first met one another, there was a certain tension that would be hard to miss.

He loathes me and I with him, but is that really the truth? What happened last night changed everything for us. Without even noticing, the line between love and hate began to blur, and I found myself fixated on the arrogant Jedi. It may be that we were just impulsive and fed on the passion with a desired thirst.

Two beings alone in a room, passionate emotions bouncing off the walls like small air molecules. I would be more surprised if it didn't happen. Right?

A wall slides open, revealing a tall figure that is highlighted by the red lights behind him.

"Anakin," I call out, letting the Jedi know I'm here. He rushes over to pull me up, but when I try to lift myself, I find my legs to weak. "I can't get up. I think it's cause he messed with my mind."

"And probably used your own energy in the process," Anakin concludes, then places one hand around my waist and the other under my knees. "Can I?"

I nod my head in compliance, allowing for the Jedi Knight to pick me up in his arms. Hugging me close to his chest, Anakin races around the rooms, searching every one for Ahsoka.

Once we reach an outdoor space, we both spot the young girl sitting down with her body facing away from us. I immediately feel something off in the air, and I tap Anakin to set me down now.

After all that searching, some of my energy has gained itself back.

"Ahsoka," Anakin shouts her name as he jogs towards her. "Ahsoka, it's me. You're safe now. Let's go." She doesn't move an inch from her relaxed position.

"Are you proud of me, Master?" the young apprentice questions with an odd tone of curiosity in her voice.

"What?" the Jedi Knight replies surprised. "Uh... [scoffs] Of course, Snips. Of course I'm proud of you. Now let's get out of here." When she doesn't make a move to get up, Anakin turns back to me with confusion.

I only mouth the words "Not her" in hopes he would understand that something is wrong. A second after that, her head lifts slightly and she stands to face us.

"He's right. Right about everything. You must join him," the Padawan changes her tone of voice to one that sounds almost sarcastic. "He only wants what's best for the universe." As I walk closer to stand near Anakin, I start to notice the gaunt appearance that takes place on her skin. Now interlaced with dark veins, the once lively girl looks like a corpse risen from the dead.

But I catch something even more worrisome.

Her eyes are yellow.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" It seems that Skywalker realized too by the sound of his anxious tone.

"Always with the criticism, Master. Never really believing in me, trusting me," Anakin's heart begins to beat faster, and mine follows its actions. "Well,  I don't need you anymore."

"He messed with her head too," I mumble low enough for only Anakin can hear besides me.

The worried Master holds out his hands, slightly moving closer to his Padawan.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now