Part 16

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The Elder
(Season 3, Episode 15)

We're following the strange woman on a narrow pathway along a large mountain, covered in tropical trees. We stay closer together now, trying to prevent any chance of us getting split up.

"Have you noticed the seasons seem to change with the time of day?" Obi Wan acknowledges, pointing his question towards Anakin, who is hiking beside me.

For the duration of the trip, his cold demeanour is what keeps everyone silent, unsure of why the untamed Jedi seems to be shut down. All he has done is stare ahead at the back of the Daughter's head, making sly jokes like he did before.

"Yeah," he replies simply whilst moving his head slightly, our gazes clashing. His expression doesn't change as we meet eyes, but I feel an intensity that makes me turn my eyes away.

"And there are no animals," Ahsoka adds.

"And you sense it?" Obi Wan directs at Skywalker once more.

"Mm-hmm, since we arrived," He says, causing me to peer up at him with intrigue. He still looks at me with an emotionless gaze, yet my heart skips a beat at the feeling in the air. Sensing my slight confusion, he continues, "The Force is very strong."

His voice quiets when he says the last words, an ongoing storm turning in his head. I feel it too, pondering about the mystery of it all: how we got here, where we even are, who this woman is, and why it seems so surreal...

All questions I don't have proper answers to, just theories getting more wild by the minute. One interesting theory is that this is some sort of sacred planet of the Force, and because of our unique sensitivities we have been transported here.

For what purpose, I have no idea. I'm not listening to the hushed conversation the Jedi are having with the Daughter, but slow my step when I notice the change in pigments.

The formerly green plants are now a burnt orange, and I feel a slight change in the air once I am surrounded by the new terrain of warm tones. My ears catch a slight rumbling from up above, and immediately after Anakin warns us all.

He shoves the Daughter forwards with the Force, away from any harm of the collapse, and pulls me into his arms. We crash onto the ground, barely avoiding a deathly collision with falling boulders.

He releases me from his grip and walks over to the fallen goddess. Tapping her on the shoulder, she whips around defensively as though he were an attacker.

"It is forbidden for you to touch me," she declares, her harsh glare of seriousness staring down at him.

"Sorry. I was just saving your life," he retorts. Always so quick to sass someone, even a goddess-like woman.

I am slow to get up, adjusting the uncomfortable shift in my arm and wrapping a small gash with a gauze wrap I keep on my belt.

"That was my brother's work. You are in great danger," she states, looking behind me. I turn to see a large wall of rubble, blocking us from both Obi Wan and Ahsoka. So much for not splitting up. "Wait for me. Do not leave this place."

"Hey. Wait!" Anakin holds out his hand, trying to get her to stop her stride away from us. She continues forward, our focus on her being interrupted by the sound of Anakin's com-link.

Concern laced in his voice, Obi Wan asks if we are alright, to which Skywalker replies saying that we're fine, yet he hasn't given notice of my presence since the division of our group.

Then again, neither have I, but I still hold it against him.

"We'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock," He decides, speaking with a hush so the woman doesn't hear, not that she could from this far away.

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