Part 2

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A Strange Feeling

Third-Person POV:

The Coruscant Underworld buzzes with blaring lights and street brawls. Anakin Skywalker can't help but feel out of place in this vial area, though he has been here before on a mission.

It is not a place where he would like to be, but bounty hunters sure do and they love to talk.

He makes his way to a bar he researched about in the Jedi Archives, called the Moshi Bar. Bounty hunters often enjoy hanging out and having a drink there during their pit-stop.

The Jedi Knight doesn't expect a certain bounty hunter he's searching for to be there, yet there will be a handful of others that could help him.

Walking through the slide door, the cluster of music and chatter fills his ears.

He knows he has to play this safe, or multiple blasters can be pulled on him just for being a Jedi. Flinging his coat around his muscular body, Anakin walks with his head held high towards the bar.

Dancers swing their hips on tables while a bundle of men crowd around drinking and hollering with laughter.

Moving between two ladies, they're eyes linger on the gorgeous man in front of them. One brushes her hand over Anakin's shoulder with a seductive smirk.

"Wanna come with us to the back?" she purrs, slowly moving her hand down his chest. The other one reaches for his hair and combs her fingers through it.

"I'm going to have to decline ladies," he answers and peels their hands off of him slowly. One of them pulls out a slab of paper and grabs his gloved hand.

Placing the piece of paper in it, she uses her other hand to slowly close the Jedi's metal hand.

"Give me a call if you change your mind," the Twi'lek reaches up to whisper in his ear. She lets her fingers trail on the Jedi as the two makes their exit.

"A man of your looks is bound to be popular with the broads," the bartender exclaims with a loud chuckle.

"I need information," Anakin states sternly and the bartender's laughter simmers.

"Just like I once told a Jedi, we don't sell that here looker," the guys responds as he turns to get ingredients for a drink.

Anakin slowly pulls his lightsaber from his hilt and slams it on the table. The bartender jumps and eyes the weapon with curiosity.

"Your friend did the same thing," he reveals with a sly look. 

Anakin comes to the realization that his padawan, along with Master Plo, traveled to the lower levels to find information as well. They must have stopped by here, he concludes to himself.

"Listen pal, I got nothin for ya so why don't you move along," the bartender ushers and Anakin's nostrils flare with anger. Slightly raising his arm up, the bartender begins to claw at his neck with his four arms.

"Listen pal, I need information and you're going to give it to me," Anakin seethes back in a mocking manner, his eyes flaring with rage.

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