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"Boss! the battleship can't withstand this... we have to land!"

"Left-wing was torn down!"

"Boss, you have to leave! you have to surviv- ..."

"... right-wing was hit!"

In the midst of urging and chaos, while the enemy had no plan to stop shooting with the only goal of killing everyone on board, a slender man with his hands resting on his back, wearing a full-white uniform with yellow lining was closing his eyes as if not hearing the cry of his people. 



"Fuck! Zishu you have to leave now. Give our legion a face and don't die here!"

With that, the man who was shouting for who knows how long dragged the indifferent man with full force. He was his boss and also his friend. A brother he has sworn his life to follow even to death, but now he was willing to die to save his brother, his friend, and his boss. 

However, as soon as he touches him, Zhishu's eyes open with the expression of 'if you all die, I die but let's all live'. Zishu opens his mouth, calm as always, "drop the right-wing. Everyone to the center. No one will be left behind."

With this said, all people inside the battleship that can still move hastily went to the center. Not knowing if the emergency aircraft can carry them all. With hope and trust in their Admiral, the aircraft separates from the main battleship without the knowledge of its enemy. 

Entering the coordinates of an unknown planet, betting their luck, and wishing for the planet to be a safe place for their species, the aircraft warp jumps to reach the location. Twice they warp jump until they reach their destination after five days of travel.

When the aircraft open in the middle of a lush green forest, the army that was pressed like sardines instantly run out to stretch their limbs, "god! that was five days of being pressed in each other's asses..." 

Though the ten haggard men quickly went out, their alertness remains. They were trained soldiers, first-class soldiers of the first legion in the Empire. Though their joints hurt they still check the surroundings of the unknown planet, testing whether the air is safe for their kind to breathe.

"Boss, the air detector confirms that the air is hundred percent safe. The air has a good balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide, we can all safely take off our protective gear."

"En. Check for any life forms, animals, and aliens within five kilometers in four directions. Check if there is anything safe for consumption. Everyone should restore energy before we return to the empire." said Zhishu who was still calm as ever. 

The emergency aircraft can only carry seven people at most but they are ten people therefore the food nutrient were consumed with only today's portion left. After this, they will starve."

"Return immediately. Go." hearing the command, everyone disperse with only Admiral Zhou and vice-admiral Ye left in the aircraft. One was checking the aircraft for repair and one was trying to send communication to the Military base in the empire.

"Ye Baiyi, do you miss your mom?" without context, Zishu throws this question. Ye Baiyi scratch his head in confusion and replied, "eh? old Zhou, don't tell me you miss mommy now. Ah.. ah.. mother always set up blind dates for me, it's good that I'm out of the empire."

"Good." Zishu with an expressionless face added, "'cause you won't see auntie for a while. The aircraft... is damaged."

After checking, due to over passenger and two warp jumps, the aircraft, aside from the main control, the battery was also exhausted and overheated. The urgent thing, for now, was to find a battery to replace the damaged one but due to the aircraft being heavy-duty, the battery they need should be of high capacity. 

"Aiyah, we can ask the inhabitants here to borrow aircraft or borrow batteries then we can pay after we return to the empire. No worries, no worries..." that was the simple solution or they can buy the battery using their guns. 

The military items are no joke, especially of the empire, all were high grade and everyone in the galaxy wanted their hands on them. This was an easy problem to fix. 

Zishu purse his lips and did not say anymore. As an Admiral who fights all kinds of species and visits all kinds of planets, he can tell at one glance how progressive a planet was and this time all he can see were tall trees. 

No one came to check them after landing, usually, the planet will detect if there was an intruder or unknown aircraft that enter but it was already ten minutes yet no one came. Not even a 'who are you?'. He felt that something was wrong on this planet. 

"Report. West side is clear, all we see were trees."

"Report. Eastside is clear, exactly five kilometers is a clear body of water but I found this hanging on the tree." the soldier raises his hand, on it was a green color cloth, so wide and long. 

"Is that clothes? oh... a lady's clothes," shouts Ye Baiyi. 

"Vice-admiral, how did you know it's ladies' clothes?" asked the soldier.

"'cause it's like what my mom wear, like a dress... see it's a skirt."

Not willing to mind the blabbermouth, Zishu asks, "did you see anyone?"

The soldier shook his head, "No, Admiral."

"Report. The south side is clear, all trees but I found this." he raised his hands, and a thing like a bird struggling in his hand "bok bok bok". "I took one but there are more in that place."

Everyone looked astonished at the thing, it was hairy and small, like a bird but not a bird. Upon checking its combat ability was low but can hurt... but still low damage. 

"En. Check if this is safe to consume."

"Yes, Admiral."

"Report.  The Northside is clear. All trees but I found this." he raised his hand and showed a three-round orange ball. "Admiral, I check if it's consumable and... " the soldier pause for a while and peel one of the orange round shapes, "it's sweet and safe to eat. I did not die... hahaha"

All soldiers look at him dumbfounded. 

"Wei Ning, don't you value life? Why eat it? What if it's poison?!" again it's Ye Baiyi with his veins protruding in his neck. 

"... but I did not die. Want some? I have more here."

Of all the soldiers, Wei Ning was the youngest and latest who join their legion so this guy still acts without thinking at times. 

While everyone was busy talking, another person was huffing and puffing after diving in the sea. The man that was only wearing his inner clothes was in extreme anger 'cause the clothes he hung on the tree were missing. 

"Who took my clothes here? not scared of Zhen's fury!"



* Zhen - referring to himself. Usually used by Emperor/ Kings. Not his name.

I'm back with a new story after reading a lot of novels and manga this past two and a half months. Yes, this little author should read too so I can expand my vocabulary and imagination. 

Nice to be back. enjoy reading. o(^ ~ ^)o

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