Chest! (/ε\*)

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The morning sunlight fills the sky with a scattered blaze of pink and red, the wind a bit chilly, and the soil was left with traces of moisture. In this scenery stood a number of people both residents and non-residents of the planet. 

One side was equipped with shovels, spades, and carts ready to dig the earth under their feet while the other side stood with all formality, slightly anxious, pacing in a minute and standing still the second and elbowing each other next. 

Both groups were waiting... waiting for their Admiral-daren... waiting for their master... 

Their Admiral... their Master... WOKE! UP! LATE! TODAY! (゚o゚〃)

By this time, the visitor of the planet acquired the knowledge of the language, therefore it's no challenge to communicate with the host species. 

The fearless little soldier with the surname Cao approached the little miss on the other side to chatter (gossip...cough). The little miss, in his eyes, was like a dragon, spitting words like fire non-stop but only this little miss can help him in his highly classified mission: to know Furen's choice of food!

It was very unusual, very unlikely, very unimaginable, unthinkable, unbelievable for their master to sleep until the sky was lit. In all the years they became their Master's disciples, the two knew that the immortal man does not need to sleep! of course, it's good to sleep too to preserve or regain energy but why would their master need to replenish energy?!

Seeing the approaching soldier, Gu Xiang straightway blocks him planning to confront the little man, "hey! your boss will not dare to harm our master, right?!" 

Weining who was thinking of ways to extract information halted in surprise and vigorously shook his head, "No!" he thought, Boss won't even dare, "... boss will never harm Fure-... the master!"

Gu Xiang's minimal arch shape brows raised scantly, her hands crossed over her chest to exude a domineering lady-boss aura, "Of course! Master is much stronger than your boss. How can he harm him?!"

"En.En. Boss can't beat Master!" his head nodded fast and strongly agreed. 

Did the boss do it too much last night? or was the boss eaten all night that they couldn't bear to leave the bed? Gosh, first love's heat truly is unquenchable... tsk tsk. "Little Miss, what does Master likes to eat in the morning?"

Since the first day, they have decided to hug the thigh of their Furen so they must start with food cause the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

"Why? Are you planning to poison our Master?" ask Gu Xiang as fast as lightning.

A-cheng who was standing there as if he was air all this time shook his head at his shijie's unreasonable thought, "Master like light foods in the morning. He practiced inedia most of the time, so he likely wants to eat congee now or dried fruit with tea."

"tsk! womanly heart... hmmp!" A-Xiang muttered enough for A-cheng to hear.

"Ah. Thank you, brother. Let us prepare Master's food to show our gratitude. Promise we won't add poison!" Then he hurried back to the group and relayed the information he got by avoiding life and death situations.

The soldier in charge of cooking quickly prepared in the kitchen. All ingredients were already harvested early before the sky lit up, the soldiers had gotten their fill, and only the boss and Furen have not eaten.

Ye Baiyi patted Weining's head and praised the man sincerely, "You've worked hard, soldier!"

At around seven in the morning, a loud crash was heard inside the room. Everyone outside looks at each other.

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