Climax (*ノз'*)

36 3 1

The cold coming from the blowing wind and pouring snow seems to be neglected even more when the words said by Wen Kexing reach the ears of Shushu. His breathing turned heavy and his hand holding the great master gripped tighter as he respond silently to the words.

"Kexing, I-" he gulped before finishing his words. With all honesty, Shushu was not even thinking about it now. It was omitted in his mind since Wen Kexing was unconscious. It was already a great blessing that his beloved human had awakened.

"... you're still weak. I will ask for that when your strength is back." He finished his words with a little pang in his heart. Who wouldn't want to embrace their beloved? Who wouldn't want to roll in the sheets and express your love through your gentle actions?

Shushu was not a saint, he wanted it but right now was not the best time.

Wen Kexing caressed the man staring above him. He saw genuine care and love in those eyes. He understood what Shushu meant but during his unconscious state, he heard enough heartache from this man that when he woke up his mind was occupied with things that he will do to make it up to Shushu.

"En. Let's go back to my quarters," he said with a glint in his eyes.

He almost lost his life. He was not sure why he survived but he was lucky and grateful that he did. This experience gave him the realization that he should not waste time and should value the people that value him, that was important to him... to give them his affection and to let them know his true and sincere intentions.

Shushu carried Wen Kexing in his arms and started to tread the thick snow with all his might. His limbs were still weak but he stubbornly persevere to carry Wen Kexing pretending that he was fine. What happened a while ago was a shock to him and even now, with Wen Kexing speaking and blinking, he was still afraid that the master will be gone.

When they reach the quarters, A-Xiang and A-Cheng were cleaning the room. They had been maintaining it so when their master woke up, the room was ready. Seeing that their master was awake, they run with tears in their eyes calling the name repeatedly, "Master!!!"

But as fear still lingers in his heart, Shushu stopped them before they could get close, "He's weak. Don't come closer. Let him rest." His words were firm and did not give a chance for the listener to contradict. "Please, don't stress your master. I know you missed him but... let him recover well before coming close."

He only wanted to make sure that Wen Kexing was truly alright.

Wen Kexing was sticking close to Shushu's body and looking at the man's every move, he knew Shushu was controlling himself not to cry, even his voice was unnatural, "Let us meet on the third day, I know you've been good. Master misses you too."

It may come as unfair but Wen Kexing was already fixed on indulging Shushu and so he could only meet his other two disciples later. A-Xiang wanted to complain but she swallowed whatever words she wanted to say and made a bow in front of their master before leaving.

Outside, A-Cheng remarked, "I thought you were going to complain." The two stood outside looking at the pouring snow.

"I was," she answered and sighed heavily, "... but the Admiral's face was begging. How can I disagree?" The two stood for another minute in silence before finally leaving the quarters alone for the two species inside.

Shushu laid Wen Kexing on the bed gently and cover him with a thick blanket. After securing the body of the great master, Shushu sat down on the side of the bed and rub Wen Kexing's face as if he was ensuring that he was not dreaming.

"Shushu," Wen Kexing spoke.

"En? Are you thirsty?" his voice was unhurried and careful. His eyes did not leave Wen Kexing at all.

"I'm fine. I'm alive. I'm back. I will not leave you alone again," he said with a tone of assurance. Somehow, he can feel Shushu's emotion and it hurt him to see the lively Shushu before now wilted because of him.

"En. You're alive," he chocked but he forced his tears not to come out, "you're back," but there were things that you can't stop and so his tears fell on Wen Kexing's face, "you're alive," he repeated chocking in his words.

"I'm alive," after saying this, Wen Kexing pulled Shushu closer to him and take the initiative to kiss Shushu this time. It was always Shushu who kissed him, it was always Shushu who take the first action but this time... he will do it first.

Their lips met and with his clumsy way of kissing, the great master deepened the kiss never letting Shushu pull from his grasp, "I'm alive," he said again in between their kiss. Tears mixed kisses, Shushu held Kexing's waist with a blanket in between.

"Embrace me, Shushu," he pulled away from the kiss and made their forehead meet, "Embrace me..." this time, he had the enlightenment and miraculously understood the embrace that Shushu meant before.

"... but you're still weak," Shushu reasoned out keeping his rationality intact.

"I can handle it. I'm fine. So hurry up and show me your love," he does not recognize himself at all, he could not say those things before but now just to make Shushu happy, he was willing to say things that could comfort Shushu even if it meant... giving Shushu his innocence.

Shushu stared at him for a while trying to tell himself not to give in but... he truly need to feel Wen Kexing, his heart was bursting with the longing that could never be quenched by simply kissing the great master. With this thought, Shushu's flesh in between his thigh throbbed... he knew at this moment that he could never deny Wen Kexing's request.

Lifting the blanket, Shushu entered inside and slowly caress Wen Kexing. Today, he will not exhaust Wen Kexing, he will surely restrain himself... his hand lifts the great master's clothes, and what he felt astonished him, "you-".

"I also want you so... do whatever it is that you want," Wen Kexing said but inside he was terribly nervous. Just the touch of Shushu's hand in his private part was enough to give him a meltdown.

Without words, Shushu captured his lips again and started to stroke the erected flesh of Wen Kexing, "Baobei, don't leave me alone again." His hand increased its speed and Wen Kexing was trembling in Shushu's embrace, "Baobei..."

Soon, the great master was reaching his climax, his hand gripping Shushu's clothes and a little whimper came out from his pursed lips, "Shushu..." He was mentally noting what Shushu was doing so he could do the same to Shushu later. He will serve Shushu after he was done.

"Haa... Shu- it's... something is coming..." Since he reached adulthood, Wen Kexing never engaged in carnal things even simple masturbation was not experienced by him. Today was his first taste of lust... with love.

"Let it out, Baobei..." when Shushu's words fell, hot sticky liquid touched his hand. Wen Kexing lifted his head and look at Shushu not knowing that his eyes were misty and sensual. His face blushed and the little sweat on his forehead slides down wetting a few strands of his hair.

"I will help you too," he said.

But before he could say more, Shushu used the sticky liquid to cover his fingers and searched for Wen Kexing's entrance. When Shushu smeared the liquid in the entrance preparing to enter, Wen Kexing sat up straight quickly like a lightning bolt!

"Why- why are you touching it?!" He was confused, he was clueless and most of all he was screaming inside! That place was dirty! Why would Shushu touch it?! I can't allow Shushu to dirty his hand!

Shushu remained calm and answered, "Baobei, I have to prepare you first before my thing enters you. I don't want to hurt you-"

"Enter me? With your..." Wen Kexing's eyes move to the erected flesh of Shushu. It was still under the clothes but gods be damned, that thing was big and long! How can that enter inside him?!

I think I made a hasty decision, can I still withdraw from this?! (ʘᗩʘ')


Wen Kexing: I thought we will only stroke our snake! Nobody told me that a snake will slide through my hole! (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.

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