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Behind the thick bushes, a few heads were bobbing up and down. Sometimes giggling, sometimes startled, and sometimes shaking their heads.

"Seems like the Admiral already got our furen's heart, teehee..." there were nine of them watching the show as if it was a romantic genre of a costume drama. With the background so beautiful and bright, everyone was in awe of how the two lovers (still needed some clarification) embraced and kissed each other.

It was a disrespectful act to watch continually their Admiral and Furen so, they stealthily left the hideout and gather back in their quarters to continue eating the crumbs they saw.

Cao Weining was silent all this time, after all, he already knew what was going on between the two. Although he had a little misunderstanding about it, it was still better than his comrades not knowing anything before.

"We should make food for our Furen!" said one of the soldiers.

"Yes! something that will give him extra strength!" said the other soldier.

"Very good. Now, go dig up ginseng for our Furen and make some soup and tea," said Ye Bai Yi who was grinning ear to ear, still unable to believe that his friend was capable of doing the courting. It was a pity that they were not able to hear the conversation between the two and could only decipher through their actions.

Zhou Zhishu and Wen Kexing stayed for a little while on the cliff before going back. The great master was looking for a way to clarify what he meant but Shushu was clouded with happiness that he can't find any chance to speak.

Seeing Shushu in great bliss made the great master's heart in full cheer. It seems that Shushu can influence him and whatever Shushu felt he can feel too. If Shushu was happy then he was happy.

In the midst of this great happiness, a large smoke appeared in the lower place where more disciples were stationed. After the smoke was a fire and a series of loud sounds.

The earth shook making the people in the middle and upper places wobble, some falling on the ground and some riding their swords.

"Kexing! Are you okay?" Shushu was startled but he still had the mind to check if the great master was fine. To his surprise, Wen Kexing was looking murderous. So different from the aura of the great master from before.

It was the first time that he had seen this expression of his. It was dark but... sexy.

Shushu could only gulp at his thoughts during these chaotic moments. "Go to the cave, it is the safest place! get your men!" Wen Kexing shouted in response, pushing Shushu in the direction of the soldier's quarters.

"No!" with a firm conviction, Shushu rejected the idea and held Wen Kexing to his arm, protecting him from the unforeseen and unidentified cause of chaos.

"Master! there were... there were people with tentacles!" A-Xiang was riding her sword, her lower hem tattered and her left arm was wounded. "two! two of them!!!"

She was shouting at the top of her lungs while A-Cheng was holding her to balance on the sword.

When they landed, Shushu asked first. Hearing tentacles, it was surely from outside the planet. All soldiers run towards them and in their own language, Shushu commands the soldier to position themselves and help the humans.

After all, they might be the hundred percent reason why the tentacle men were here.

"Shushu, don't fight! I can handle this." In his thought, Shushu was weak, how can the weak Shushu fight? He will only be beaten to death and thinking that Shushu will be harmed to the point of death... Wen Kexing's heart tightened.

"Please, hide... mm? Please." It was the gentlest tone he had, coaxing Shushu to safety but the Admiral only kissed him in the temple and said, "I want to protect you too just like how you want to protect me."

He held Wen Kexing's hand and rode the sword down to the lower place. The great master was silent but his mind was alert constantly conversing with A-Cheng and A-Xiang. He no longer forced Shushu and was thinking of protecting the weak Shushu in this battle.

Below, smoke continued to thicken and shouts were all over the place. Disciples were shooting using their spiritual powers but the tentacle man was stronger than them and the weapon they were holding creates twice the damage than they can.

The soldiers were already at the middle place nearing the lower place but they only have a few bullets to spare so they have to use them wisely.

From above, Wen Kexing intensified his voice and instruct the disciples below, "all water power, quench the fire! All earth power build a wall to protect the wounded and children!"

"Yes, great master!"

Everyone moved. Even the other masters followed Wen Kexing without hesitation. It was done in order. The chaos from before was changed and only the firepower and wind power were fighting the tentacle man along with Wen Kexing.

With the sway of his hand, his fan released electricity directly hitting one of the tentacle men. It did not create much damage but it was enough to turn the focus of the tentacle man in his direction giving the disciples a leeway to breathe.

In Shushu's hand was a heavy powered gun, small but containing powerful bullets. Making sure the target was locked, Shushu click the trigger and hit the other tentacle man in the head.

The bullet that dug deep inside the head opened and let out a strip of lines that run amok inside the body of the tentacle man before exploding making the tentacle man split in half.

However, just as Wen Kexing was about to praise Shushu, the split body turned into two tentacle men making the number increase to three.

"He can multiply!" Wen Kexing blurted out. Shushu was paled for the neglect, he forgot about this information and shoot without analyzing the enemy.

"Shushu! watch out!"

The two tentacle men shoot their tentacles toward Shushu at a quick speed and Wen Kexing pulled him to his side to avoid it. "Careful, Shushu."

It was the most embarrassing thing to happen, Wen Kexing saving him, a soldier... an Admiral.

The tentacle followed them and constantly shoot out the black liquid. Wen Kexing had to build a cover for them to avoid getting hit by the liquid and the tentacles.

"Any idea how to kill them, soldier?" 

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