Fallen (☍﹏⁰)。

38 7 2

Smoke sluggishly dissipated, the surrounding received the light back slowly and the noise returned to one's ears. Wen Kexing's huge ball of fire and electricity left a deep hole in the ground.

Yet, the enemy was nowhere to be found.

Soldiers scattered everywhere, some were hurt by the huge explosion, and some were looking for the tentacle men. Shushu was lying on the ground badly hurt but still able to move, "Kexing... you... alright?"

His back was pierced thoroughly, blood seeping out of his torn skin but all he cared about was if Wen Kexing was fine.

The great master turned around, his body wobbly and his movement sluggish, "I'm fine, let's heal you up." He kneeled facing Shushu's back and reached out his hand to transfer a bit of energy to the injured Admiral.

"Stop, you're also-"

"Shh. Let this great master heal his disciple," Wen Kexing was pained in his heart seeing the blood on Shushu's body. The feeling was alien to him and he does not understand himself either.

He was the most rational and calm person however when that tentacle pierced Shushu and when he heard him grunt, it was like a bomb exploded in his head and he snapped with one objective to reach... to kill the enemy who hurt Shushu.

Just as he started, an arm was about to punch Wen Kexing from the back! Though weak, the great master still had his alertness heightened and therefore grabbed Shushu from the waist and jumped on the other side before the fist reached them.

The tentacle man had his other tentacles dried up leaving only his arms and feet. The duplicate tentacle was fighting with the soldiers, not having a chance to help the main body. The duplicate was already weak and his movements were no challenge to the soldiers and some disciples now.

"Still alive?!" Kexing scowled, his hand forming another ball while the other hand was passing energy to Shushu. The admiral was looking at the great master with so much self-blaming, self-loathing, and shame.

He can't move his other hand holding the gun and only when Wen Kexing's energy pass through his body that he felt relief and a few of his strength returns. The ball was getting bigger and bigger, the tentacle man was about to attack again...

"Hiding behind a human, Admiral? Shameful!" The tentacle man moved speedily invisible to the naked eye, "You're hurt with that wound? Shameful!" the voice was reverberating in all directions that it was hard for them to determine which location to hit.

Wen Kexing still did not understand what the tentacle man was saying and he does not even care about it. His body was low on energy and this last ball will deplete it all. Nobody knows how long it will take for him to recover.

"Going after me is even shameful, idiot!" Shushu raised his gun, closed his eyes, and listened well to identify where the tentacle man was. The ball was ready to be thrown away but the hand at the back of Shushu was still passing energy.

At some point, Wen Kexing realized that he was really fond of the other specie. It was beyond a disciple and master, beyond a host and a guest. It could be because Shushu was disgraceful enough to kiss him... but it was for gratitude. He must be the disgraceful one.

But that skinship, the way Shushu cuddles him at night sneakily, and how the Admiral protects him despite being weak, those things were the reason he could think of for the feeling in his heart. He could have been moved by Shushu's gestures.

Looking at Shushu's face now, he admits to himself that Shushu was a beauty. The only beauty he could approve of being a beauty himself. Shushu was not graceful and elegant but he was surely full of gratitude and honesty.

"Shushu," Wen Kexing whispered to himself. He forgot about the tentacle man, his head was getting dizzy and his vision already blurring...

"nine-o'clock, forty-five degrees!"

With Shushu's shout, Wen Kexing unconsciously raised his hand and throw the huge ball in that direction along with the gun in Shushu's hands.

Another explosion and gun sounded, the surrounding turned dark and silent for the second time and nobody saw how the great master fell to the ground, body exhausted and energy depleted.

The body that he fell into was startled and calling his name over and over but the great master had no way to respond.

The smoke cleared up, and the sound returned but what took everyone's attention was Shushu's cry of Wen Kexing's name, "Kexing! Wake up! Wen Kexing!!!"

He was not moving, his breathing was weak and even if he pinched him the great master was not reacting. Shushu stood up with Wen Kexing in his arms. The other masters run towards them to take the great master but nobody could touch Kexing in his arms.

Masters, disciples, and soldiers had to stand on the opposing side this time. They will protect their admiral and their Furen. The other side also wanted to protect the great master and heal him.

Shushu took out the sword and flew with the remaining energy in his body given by the great master.

"How can you... why did you..." Shushu was seething as he was talking to the unconscious Wen Kexing. "I told you not to give me your energy!" The pain in his heart was unexplainable. He could not believe that Wen Kexing would give his life for him.

The soldiers run after them through the stairs, climbing up until they reach the upper place. When they arrived, they saw their Admiral tightly embracing the great master soaked in water in the pond.

Nobody talked, not even daring to breathe. After a while, Ye Bai Yi ordered, "take all the spiritual stone in the cave and bring it here in the pond." All soldiers knew the meaning of using the stone but no one questioned it and no one objected to it.

Soldiers acted fast and after an hour all stones in the cave were transferred to the pond. The stone that was intended for their ship was transferred too.

"Put some cover around the pond, make sure they won't get cold." He added.

Ye Bai Yi was surprised at how Shushu looked when he saw him in the pond, quiet and only embracing Wen Kexing. It was the first time he saw his friend in that crestfallen state.

"You should eat or at least treat your wound," Ye Baiyi said but not expecting anything from the admiral.

"Bai Yi," it was a weak voice coming from the Admiral, "help them clean up the mess, treat all his disciples, and make sure to check if there is any remaining part of that octopus."

He thought of everything for Wen Kexing but never for himself, "he... gave me his life, Bai Yi... he gave me his life... hic," his shoulders trembled and there was a silent sobbing. Ye Bai Yi can't stomach seeing his friend hurting and decided to leave them be.

"En. He did, so take care of him. Leave the sect to us."

Until he left, Shushu was still crying. The Admiral who never shed tears even in difficult situations cried for one human. 


I did my best to write action scenes. Hope I give justice to it... imagine tentacle man as Majin buu but with eight tentacles in the back (;° ロ°)

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