Master-bait |'∀`●)

31 4 2

Seeing the shocked face of the great master, Shushu smiled in amusement. He reached out his hand and rub the flushed cheeks of Wen Kexing, "I can wait, Kexing."

It was not his plan to touch his beloved person after waking up from a long coma but he was still a man and the great master that he loved offered himself to him... he was not a hypocrite to say that he was not tempted at all.

"I will take care of this," his flesh was still erect but Shushu gave the sincerest smile to Wen Kexing, "lie down and I will ask A-Xiang to prepare some food that can be easily digested." Taking out the handkerchief on the bedside, Shushu wipes Kexing before tucking him under the blanket.

"Rest for now, I will be back with the food." Shushu stood up and hastily went out of the quarters leaving the great master in utter silence. He may not be someone who masturbates or knew about sexual needs but he was not selfish to be the only one who was able to release.

"Shushu... this master is lacking. I'll make sure to practice for you!" and so the great master promised himself that he will make it up to Shushu next time.

Next time... next time I-... that snake will... ahem... I probably should start with my finge...

Until he fell asleep, Wen Kexing was thinking about how he can practice first so that next time, when Shushu asked for it... he knew what to do!

When Shushu closed the door, the heat in his body was dispelled and replaced by a rush of emotions. Big tears dropped again and he was making every effort not to make a sound lest Wen Kexing will hear him.

Up until a moment ago, he was still dazed with unbelief that Wen Kexing truly woke up. Touching the warm body of his favorite human gave him the assurance that he was not imagining things... that Wen Kexing was really alive.

"Thank you," it was unknown to whom he was saying thank you but Shushu kept on mumbling the words over and over, thanking the unknown force for bringing Wen Kexing to him back.

After a while, he wiped his tears and personally prepare a soup for the great master. The news also spread to the sect that the great master woke up and so some of the other masters and disciples hurriedly went to see him.

"We want to see the great master," said the master of firepower.

However, no one was able to enter with Shushu and the other soldiers guarding the door. It was not to hide Wen Kexing but to ensure that he was well before meeting everyone.

"Forgive me but the great master should not be disturbed. It would be best if only the healing master will see him for now," Shushu looked each and every one in the eye as he spoke the words, "I hope that you all understand that the great master was sleeping until a while ago."

"Let's ensure his health first."

Shushu does not bow to anyone but for this, he did. A sign to show respect to every one of Wen Kexing's people.

Unexpectedly, no one objects to this and agreed for the healing master to check the condition of the great master. When the healing master returned and inform that Wen Kexing was okay, everyone dispersed and planned to visit again when the great master fully recovered.

Two weeks passed and the thick snow slowly melted, and green leaves started to sprout but the great master was taking his time to hide in the cave all this time! Shushu wanted to come with him but Wen Kexing set up a barrier at the entrance of the cave!

Shushu thought that maybe Wen Kexing was avoiding him after what he did. It might be that Wen Kexing felt disgusted with his action which was the reason why his favorite human was hiding since that day!

He only returned when it was time to sleep.

So, Shushu decided to enter the cave before Wen Kexing arrived and hide in the deepest part where there was only darkness. At exactly nine in the morning, when the disciples were starting their daily routine exercise, Wen Kexing entered the cave and set up the barrier!

First, he stop near the stone table, took out his pouch, and insert his hand to take a thick blanket inside. He placed the blanket carefully, checking whether he can still feel the bump of the ground on it.

After that, Wen Kexing sat on it and insert his hand again into the pouch. This time he took three items out of it, a tightly covered small jar, a handkerchief, and a long wood curved into a distinct shape.

Shushu was a bit far and he was not able to figure out what the third item was.

Wen Kexing continued his ritual. He took the handkerchief and wipe the wood several times. When he felt that it was enough he put it back down and stood up to undress! He folded his clothes neatly until none was left on his body.

Looking at what was happening, Shushu had a premonition about what will happen next. His throat kept bobbing up and down and his body started to feel hot but he controlled himself to see the end of it all.

He wanted to see what Wen Kexing, his favorite human, will do on his own.

Wen Kexing sat back again and open the jar, scooping a small amount of liquid inside. He smelled it and then said, "En, just the right smell. Shushu will like this." After saying this, Wen Kexing smeared it on his wilted cock, slowly stroking it like how Shushu stroked it for him.

"Shushu..." he said under his breath. His other hand scoop another liquid and this time smeared it on his hole! Shushu who was hiding was clenching his fist enough that his nails were buried in his flesh!

Wen Kexing lie down as he inserted a finger inside, "hmm, this liquid is better than the.. haa... the last one." He inserted another until three fingers were in. When he thought that it was enough, Wen Kexing took the curved wood and applied a liquid to it.

"Is this Shushu's size? Was it too short?" talking to himself, Wen Kexing was ready to insert it in his hole when suddenly he heard hurried footsteps!

"That wood will enter you before me?! Kexing..." he gulped and kneeled in front of the frozen Wen Kexing, "may I have the honor to do it with you instead of that wood?"

He hate to admit it but Shushu was so jealous of a piece of wood right at this moment!

But no matter how jealous he was it can't compare to the embarrassment that Wen Kexing was battling right now! "Shu... shu?"

He was naked with the dick-shaped wood in his hand, the great master melted and fainted in shame. (/へ\*)



Wen Kexing: This great master wished to bury himself in the ground! ∩︵∩

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