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A week passed after that unintentional enlightenment of information. Every night Zhou Zhishu sneaks his way to embrace the great master and every night the great master pretended to be sleeping and oblivious when morning comes.

The stone had shown progress but the spiritual energy it acquired was still not enough. Time was ticking and it has been more than half a month since the other species arrived on planet earth.

The public and private ponds were completed and the soldiers had nothing else to do. In order for the lower and middle places to reduce their murmuring and complaints about the additional mouth to feed, Wen Kexing asked Shushu to make his soldiers plant vegetables.

Of course, this was also to cover the fact that the soldiers had to do their pieces of training or they'll get rusted before they could return to their home planet.

And so, the soldiers turning into a farmer began...

In the middle of the forest, where sunlight and shades meet together, the soldiers started to till the ground. Weeds had been uprooted, trees with long branches had been purged and barriers were put in place.

Aside from vegetables, they were also planning to raise chickens and pigs. This way, even if the soldiers left, the upper place won't need to run into the forest below to pick up their food consumption.

"Vice Admiral, are we giving advance dowry to Furen?" said one of the soldiers while wiping his sweat. Most of the soldiers working now were half naked due to too much heat of the summer.

"Of course! We have to help the Admiral win our Furen!" another soldier said. He was shoveling the soil and his drenched honey-colored back was shining under the sunlight.

The Vice Admiral was silent for a while not joining their discussion. A small bench was placed under the shade of the tree and the small table beside it was full of drinks and fruits. Suddenly, he took a step towards the shade and said, "I think," all the heads turn to him waiting for his next words, "we should help our Admiral."

The Soldiers now farmers: "Ohhhh... how?"

"Our admiral is so slow, I bet he didn't even hold the Master's hand yet." He was playing with his nonexistent beard as he paced back and forth under the shade, "that's shaming our team!"

The Soldiers that were now farmers and Ye Bai Ye's listener: "Right, right!"

"Tonight," he looked at the soldiers that were listening to him intently, "we have to make them hold hands!"

The Soldiers that were now farmers and Ye Bai Ye's listeners and followers: "make them hold hands!"

Weining raised his hand, still hesitating to speak, "Vi-vice Admiral, Furen held the Admiral's waist last time when they ride the sword and when Admiral intentionally trip." His innocent eyes were bright and confused.

"That's different!"

The Soldiers that were now farmers and Ye Bai Ye's listeners and followers: "Yes, it's different!"

Weining scratched his head wanting to say more but he swallowed whatever he wanted to say. Anyway, they will help their Admiral, it will harm no one.

Inside the cave, Wen Kexing was about to finish his work for the day. Today, he promised Shushu to train in swordsmanship again. While he had urged to learn about the gun, he cannot do as he pleased, the sound will alert the middle place and bullets were scarce so the soldiers had to save it.

"Master, it has been four hours now." Shushu played the part of a clock and remind Wen Kexing every day. He was glad that the work was now limited to four hours per day, this way, he could stay longer on planet earth.

The great master open his eyes, slowly unstretched his arms, and took a deep breath, "En." This was the event every day, Wen Kexing gracefully moving under the watchful eyes of Zhou Zishu making sure he was not disgracing himself.

After all, Zhou Zishu had a different admiration for him than a normal disciple. He does not have the heart to ruin the beautiful fantasy of his weak disciple. He needed to be Shushu's strength in this strange world. Ah! I'm such a great master, indeed.

"Master, should we eat first or," Zhou Zishu took Wen Kexing's hand as he assist him out of the water, not that Wen Kexing needed it but it was him showing his affection to the master. Lately, he had no chance to 'thank' the master, he can not kiss the master every day after the transfer of spiritual energy. That will be overdoing it.

"... should we practice first?" If they practice, he will have a lot of opportunities to get close to Wen Kexing, maybe the master will develop an awareness of him and finally romantically consider him.

As they walk out of the water, Wen Kexing was thinking of a way to get close to Shushu but avoid having a lot of skinship. "Let's practice first."

Outside, the sun was at its highest, and just by looking one will have to squint an eye. In his pouch, Wen Kexing took out an emerald green umbrella to cover him and Shushu under the sun.

"Ah," he was startled and embarrassed. It should be him taking care of the master but it ends up with the master taking care of him. "Let me hold it, Master."

He was not at all uncomfortable being served. After all, he had A-Xiang and A-cheng serving him every day. He handed the umbrella to Shushu, happy that nothing out of ordinary happened again. Of course, except for the embrace every night.

"Master, thank you." The Umbrella that was fully erect towards the sky tilted covering them from the hidden eyes. With the umbrella tilting so does Shushu's head tilting and landing on Wen Kexing's lips.

"... for the umbrella."

He was caught off guard again. When will he learn and get used to it? Shushu's lips were soft and a little moist. His heart throbbed and his face heat up, "I- ... It's nothing." He wanted to say 'I seem to have a fever again' or 'I think there's something wrong with my heart' but he swallowed it.

"Forgive me Master but, I think my gratitude today was not enough..." as he spoke these words, he again caught Wen Kexing's lips, holding the umbrella in one hand and Wen Kexing's nape in the other hand.

Using his tongue, he invades the hot mouth of the great master brushing every side on the inside and twirling with the other's tongue. He had been holding his desire but he can't do it all the way. He still respects Wen Kexing but maybe... just maybe... a little disrespect like this will make the great master's heart beat for him.

Wen Kexing was panting as the kiss deepened, Shushu's gratitude was bigger than I thought. He had no strength to push Shushu and had no intention to hurt the disciple showing his gratitude to him.

But... something in his body was reacting differently. Before it was his heart, then a fever but now... it was the thing in between his legs! Ridiculous!

"Shu... shu,"

Zhou Zishu snaps back to his senses. He had been kissing the great master for so long that the master's face became so red. At that moment, Zhou Zishu had another thing he wanted - to see Wen Kexing crying and begging under him.

His thoughts were getting out of hand as the days go by. It can't be helped. Zhou Zishu had already resigned to his fate and admitted that his heart was beating for Wen Kexing but his mind and heart was fighting every day.

It was inevitable for him to leave, if Wen Kexing will feel the same way towards him, how will they move forward? Today, he made a hasty move. "Master, I..." he gulped not knowing what to say.

"Shushu is this still you showing gratitude?" 

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