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There was a great silence between them. Greater than the ocean, greater than the universe... they were looking at each other - one in panic, thinking how to fix the situation and one in chaos realizing that he was capable of lust.

Before, Wen Kexing only thought that those humans who harbored the desire of lust for others were the kind to not reach a higher level of spiritual attainment but today those thoughts were shattered by his own experience.

He was an immortal, maintained his youthful beauty, and only desired to get stronger than he already was but he did not know there could be other desires that he will have.

"Did I make the master mad?" Zhou Zishu breaks the silence, answering a question with another question. In his mind, he was making two scenarios that will depend on Wen Kexing's answer.

"Ahem," the great master clears his throat. His body was still in heat and that flesh between his legs still did not calm down, "I'm not mad." Wen Kexing pushed Zhou Zishu gently ensuring that the other specie will not misunderstand his action.

In his hand was his fan elegantly swaying with the guide of his palm, when you look at it, it seems that his hand was not moving at all.

He walked ahead of him but made sure that he was within arms reach. Then in the middle of the path between the cave and his residence, Wen Kexing turned left going straight into the cliff where it meets the sky.

The lone bamboo tree moved its pole along with the wind spreading its scent to the two people standing beside it looking at the sea of clouds.

"This is an exquisite truth: Humans and ordinary folks are the same from the start." Wen Kexing recited a poem gracefully, his lips opening from the center to the corner and closing from the corner to the center. It's as if it was calling for someone to rub it, caress it, and bite it.

"Once you become familiar with the design of fate's illusions. Your ink-well will contain all of life and death." He paused. The breeze blew his hair away giving one the illusion of seeing a moving painting.

So serene, so peaceful.

"Shushu," he moved his head to look at Zhou Zishu with his body slightly sidewards, "honesty will either give you rest or struggle. Between us, what is the difference? We both live and die, we both breath and eat, drink and poop," this time he turned his body to face Zhou Zishu, walking towards him one step at a time.

"How about we stop the useless struggle and find the meaning of fate bringing us together? Open our eyes and see how life and death guide us to our ending?"

With his hands on his side, Shushu had been listening to Wen Kexing intently, looking at him without blinking lest he misses even a bit of the great master's emotion.

There were two steps in between them when Wen Kexing halted on his steps. With the whistling of the winds, rustles of the leaves, and the fog moving towards them, Wen Kexing flashed a sweet smile to Zhou Zishu as he said his final piece, "after a rain, the mountain color intensifies. Shushu, only when you are honest will you see the truth."

The sun above them intensified its brightness giving Wen Kexing a golden glow.

"Master, I-"

He was not dumb. He understood perfectly that the great master wanted him to tell the truth. He understood that Wen Kexing might have known of his intention and desire but it was still hard to strip his heart in front of the man he desired.

"I- I will leave soon." He said out of fear. His mind was in chaos and he can't find the will to calm down. What if Wen Kexing will think that he was a pervert and will not get close to him anymore? He was an Admiral but during this time he forgot to be one.

"You still have a long time before you leave."

"I- I am not human." He was beating himself in his mind, cursing and asking why he was saying all these excuses when he was already given a chance to speak.

"Shushu, what does that have to do with fate?"

Hearing this, Shushu bites his lips. He was truly happy with what the great master was saying so far. He was the one desiring but it seems that it was Wen Kexing that was courting. How laughable. He was disgracing his kind by being petty.

"Master," he had enough of his own excuses. He was afraid that if he said more the great master will leave. With the future of them being apart, maybe there was a future of them being together. He will hold on to what Wen Kexing had said 'to stop struggling and find the reason of the universe making a path for them to meet'.

This time, Shushu took the remaining two steps to lessen the distance between them, "may I become your life's companion?" His hand found its way to Wen Kexing's waist, grabbing it carefully and the other cupping the great master's face.

In that instant, Wen Kexing's face reddened.

Ahh! I was only asking you to be honest and not to hold me immediately after acquiring courage! We could take things slowly, what life's partner are you talking about?!


Wait, what?! Am I the one answering now? It's my voice, it's my body... oh, heavens... bury me now.

"No, I mean- mpphhh" Shushu you have to let a human finish speaking first! Never trust our first answer!

There was nothing to talk about, nothing to say and think of. The great master had given him permission to be his companion and was immensely grateful and in bliss. Never did he think in his life that he will have someone who will make his heart flutter and beat like it was going to explode.

When their lips meet again, Shushu made every effort to convey his feelings through this kiss. His lips were shaking but it was because he was suppressing the tears that were about to come out from his eyes. It will be embarrassing to cry. He was a soldier!

"Mmm, Shu...shu,"

"Thank you, Kexing." A thin strand of saliva connected them when their lips parted. Wen Kexing was gasping after a minute of their kissing. Shushu pulled him into an embrace and buried his head in the nook of his neck, inhaling his body's natural scent.

"Kexing, can I embrace you tonight?"

Embrace? The great master already knew that Zhou Zishu was sneaking like a thief at night to embrace him so there was no difference now that Zhou Zishu asked for permission, right? With that thought, the great master answered with confidence, "Shushu can embrace me tonight."

Zhou Zishu was startled but composed himself and smiled sheepishly at Wen Kexing as they both watch the scenery for a while.

Little did the great master know that the embrace he was thinking of was massively different from that of Shushu.


Full Poem:

An Exquisite Truth

by: Hsu Yun

Original Language Chinese

This is an exquisite truth:
Saints and ordinary folks are the same from the start.
Inquiring about a difference
Is like asking to borrow string
when you've got a good strong rope.
Every Dharma is known in the heart.
After a rain, the mountain colors intensify.
Once you become familiar with the design of fate's illusions
Your ink-well will contain all of life and death.

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