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After the soldier left to inspect the shore, someone got out from the ocean's depth. His pure black shiny hair reached his waist, eyes so pure and bright yet with a hidden deathly glow, and lips so thin and red as blood. 

His white thin clothes dried up as soon as the part of his body was immersed in the water. One can say that his beauty surpassed any deity and it's deadly. 

As his foot touched the ground, his brows immediately furrowed while looking around. He look again but his brows furrowed tighter. For the third time, as if not convinced, he looked again and his delicate face puff out... looking at him, you can only see an immature and adorable face devoid of any fierceness though the little beauty was extremely angry. 

"Who took my clothes?!" he shouts with all his heart. He calculated the time in his mind. He was under the water for two days this time. 

"Did these kids dare to prank me again? Bah, we'll see if this Master will not punish you."

He waved his hand and new clothes were now clothed on his body. Only he knew how many clothes he had in his little pouch. 

"... not afraid of Zhen's fury anymore, huh!"

He stormed out from the shore riding his sword. He could only punish his disciples if he return to the sect. Those disciples were getting more and more playful each day. 

Halfway to the sect which was located on the highest mountain, his eyes caught something. Curious and vigilant, he stayed unmoving in the air trying to figure out which sect these people came from, and most of all, "... why are they holding my clothes?"

The character with no name yet: (☉_☉)

Regaining his dignified and beautiful appearance, his mind quickly analyzes things: these people were so desperate to see his body so much so that they were willing to steal his clothes. Yes, that must be it... after all he was a beauty, he can understand the action. Gender aside, everyone can't resist him. In this cultivation world, who would compare to him? NO.ONE.

... but his heart can only mourn for this fellow who salivates for him. 

For him, the person that can take away his heart wasn't born into this world yet and he does not have an ounce of willingness to engage in such messy things called love and relationship. This two were bound to ruin one's cultivation and purity. 

He. intend. to. stay. pure. all. his. life.

The "future-lover" is now flipping the table: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

So, as not to startle these little friends who were after his heart he slowly descended in front of them. So slow that people will think he was a god who descended from heaven to bless his followers, so slow that you will think he was the emperor walking on the aisle surrounded by hundreds of subjects throwing flowers at him. So slow yet no one paid attention to him.

Seeing that the little friends did not notice him, he composed himself again, "Good day, brothers. May this humble master ask the purpose of your visit to our little sect?"

The soldiers who were still busy talking and discussing immediately turn their backs and saw a man standing on the sword one meter high above the ground. He was slowly descending making the distance shorter until he finally land. With a wave of his hand, the sword was gone.

The man wears full white clothes the same as the one they had just found. His hand was holding a fan, gently waving it to produce small air. His other hand resting on his back. He was like a noble, full of grace.

Handsome can't even describe him.

All men were in awe but only for a while and everyone immediately stayed alert. 

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