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It has been one-sidedly decided that the Admiral will accompany the Master to check the stone purification. Kexing can't seem to find the logic of Zishu accompanying him but somehow it's reasonable and in the end, he convinced himself that the Admiral only wants to ensure that the process was flawless and won't cause accidents in the future. 

Future accidents can be avoided... heh... but current accidents might be hard to avoid.

For example...

While the two were walking towards the cave in the slowest walk possible, Zishu suddenly 'tripped', and Kexing 'caught' him on time. "Shushu!"

However, the 'trip' seems to land safely on the 'catch' with Kexing's hand on Zishu's waist. Zishu felt the chest muscle hidden in those two layers of clothes so close to his back. His eyes curved slightly. "Thank you, Master." 

"En. Careful when you walk."

The soldiers looking not so far away: "Ayooooo!!!  It's good to be in love. Tsk!"

For example...

When they reach the mouth of the cave, Zishu accidentally 'slipped' and strangely held Kexing's hand, and fell on each other. 'Strangely' enough that Zishu's hand was on Kexing's waist and the other on Kexing's head protecting him from bumping on the hard ground.

Kexing, "......."

Do soldiers on the imperial planet so weak? This little brother won't survive so long... sigh

"Shushu, do you want to learn martial arts?" Kexing offered so sincerely out of concern for the 'weak' little brother above him. 

"Huh?" confused at first but later he realized why Kexing offered to teach him, "Will Master personally teach me?"

Still, lying on the ground, as if none of them noticed their situation they continued to talk. "If not me, who will? You tripped a while ago and now you slipped. I'm afraid you'll be in more accidents in the future."

"Is Master concerned about me?"

"I can't let my guest get hurt."

"Then... I'll thank Master in advance." After saying it, Zishu lowered his head and gave Kexing a kiss on the lips. 

Caught off guard, Kexing'e eyes widen. After Zishu separates their lips, he turned his head sideways for a reason he himself doesn't understand. Right now, Kexing's body felt so hot and he knew that his face was turning red. 

"I- I think I have a fever," he murmured. 

Zishu smiled in his heart seeing the reaction of the beauty. "Ah? Then Master should rest." He 'abruptly' stood up and help Kexing too. "Let me check..." he put his forehead on Kexing's forehead to test the Master's temperature. However, this only helps escalates Kexing's burning body. 

"Master is truly 'hot'" he said so innocently. 

"En. I'm hot." his head drops not knowing how to look at Zishu. Somehow he felt he can't look at the little brother's eyes right now. 

"Then, should we go back?" 

"No. I have to check the progress..." he broke free from their heads touching and turned to enter the cave with no plan to look at Zishu for the day. 

Inside the cave was a pool of clear water emitting pure energy, that's where the stone was placed. On the side of the pool was a stone chair where one can sit and meditate. It can also be used as a simple chair or table. 

Kexing went directly to the pool to check the stone. He took off his shoes revealing smooth and pale feet with reddish soles. Seeing that, Zishu gulped.

"Careful when you walk here, it's slippery," Kexing warned and went to enter the pool. 

The hem of his clothes was quickly wet, the water slowly reached his knees. After walking two meters away from the bank, he heard Zishu calling, "Master..."

He turned around subconsciously and he saw that Zishu was still standing in the bank, "... I'm afraid I might slip again."

Hearing this, Kexing sighed and return to get Zishu. "Hold my hand."

Zishu happily hold Kexing's hand though his expression did not expose him. 

They walk to the stone with Kexing hand on top of Zishu's hand but someone was dissatisfied with it so he moved his hand to intertwine their fingers. Now, he's satisfied.

But Kexing's fever that slowly dissipates seems to return again. 

"The stone was pure black before, now it turned to dark gray. If it's pure white then I can start to transfer spiritual energy to it." Kexing explained trying to distract himself from his fever. 

"Will it be hard to transfer energy?" His eyes were fixated on Kexing while Kexing's eyes were glued to the stone.

"It's not so hard but it will definitely deplete mine so I plan to do it for half a day in the first two weeks and slowly increase the time. I have to rest for two days every week or I might be useless when something happens to the sect."

He turns his head sideways to face Zishu but he was not ready when he saw Zishu looking at him already so he quickly returns to glue his eyes on the stone, "... that's why we need three months. I want to help you but I also need to protect the sect and all the disciples."

Zishu was silent for a moment. After looking at Kexing he now look at the stone and said, "Master is such a good human."

"This is my responsibility as the sect leader and my responsibility as a host."

"I thank Master for being a generous host." He caught Kexing's chin and again, kissed him... as a sign of 'gratitude' of course. 

However, this time... Zishu kissed him for longer than three seconds, and instead of just the lips touching each other, he moved his lips and close his eyes. Again, not prepared for the gratitude of Zishu, Kexing froze and his body heat instantly increased making him close his eyes. Before he could respond Zishu stopped and pat Kexing's head, "I admire your sense of responsibility. For me, you are the best human."

With a reddish face and misty eyes, Kexing looks so pitiful in Zishu's eyes, "Master should rest now. Let's go back?"


When they return to the villa, Kexing went directly to the room. The atmosphere of the two did not escape the eyes of the hungry gossipers. On this stranger's planet, what else can they do except pry on their Admiral's budding romance life?

Speaking in their language, the soldiers started to tease the admiral with the leadership of Ye Bai Yi. "A-shu, why is master so red huh? What did you do?"

Soldier 1: "Admiral must have played dirty in the cave." 

Soldier 2: "Admiral is spreading dog food... ah, my single heart." 

Soldier 3: "I guess Admiral checks a different stone... tsk tsk."

Listening to them, Zishu's heart felt happy. He never thought that in a million light years away from his planet, on this stranger's planet will he find someone who can make his heart beat at first glance. 

Now, he wished that three months will come as slow as the turtle.


How to snag a husband part 2?!

chibi Zishu: Create a reason to get closer!

Like what?

chibi Zishu: *jumping around* tripped and slipped!

chibi Kexing: Shushu... don't jump you'll-

chibi Zishu: *trip*

chibi Kexing: *runs toward Zishu and carries him to bed*

chibi Zishu: *whispers to the camera* see? Hehe... proven & tested. 

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