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The season changed, and the once-green scenery that started to turn brown now turned white. The hot air changed to cold wind and the once lively sect had no time to rejoice. The damage caused by the unexpected attack of the unknown enemy has left tremendous casualties among which the great master was included.

During the battle, no one had time to question where the strange being came from. The pinkish color of the enemy coupled with its eight tentacles was surely a fright that shook one's might. The sect had only fought with two arms and two-legged enemies, though some were powerful at least they were sure that the one they were fighting was human like them.

Talks of doubts started to go around the Sect until one had his brain working in coordination with his tongue and blurted out an outrageous idea to everyone, "it was because of them!" said the disciple as he stood up straightway and pointed to the soldiers helping to clear the debris. "Did you notice how the enemy was targeting one of them during the battle?! It's them! They're... they're monsters!"

It was truly comedic to think that the muscled-stealthy men were the same as that thing they fought. After all, these men have four limbs like them and were more human-looking than them. "Shidi, it is not good to doubt people. They helped us during the fight."

"Indeed they did." Everyone agreed to one side when they heard that it was likely like that and agreed on the other when they thought it was also right. This group of disciples was like swaying bamboo, they move to wherever the wind blows.

Bringing the sect back to how it was before was taking longer than expected. Most of the injured disciples were recuperating in the old rooms, others had to ensure the food and daily practice to avoid getting rusted. They'll never know when the next enemy will attack.

Earth-powered disciples had exhausted their time growing bamboo trees to build back the damaged rooms, and fire-powered disciples had to provide warmth to the space where the injured were placed.

Only the water-powered and wind-powered disciples help in the reconstruction as well as the soldiers.

At first, the disciples along with the other masters were skeptical about letting the soldiers help. Somehow, it just happens that they were at odds with the soldiers. Nobody dared to allow the soldiers to help because of the rumor that started to pass around in secret. Also, they were still angry because they can't touch the great master to heal him.

The great master was still unconscious without assurance of waking up. Only the healing master had the opportunity to check Wen Kexing after Ye Bai Yi's numerous attempts to talk to Shushu. It was not that Shushu was against healing Wen Kexing, cause in reality, he was the one who wanted it the most but the emotional state put great strain on him so much that his psychological state was affected.

Shushu was no better than the unconscious Wen Kexing.

At night, the soldiers who patrolled the tightly closed pond can hear their Admiral begging as he talked to their Furen. It was painful for them to see that the valiant, man of steel, and strict Admiral of before was like a dog slowly losing his master. A dog who stayed by his master's side even after knowing that death will still come.

"Kexing, wake up. Please wake up."

"You promised to be my companion, hic."

"I'm giving you my... hic spiritual energy, why aren't you waking up?"

"Kexing... Wen Kexing... I'm weak, who will protect me -hic - when you're gone?"

Even the disciples who, from time to time, inquired of the great master's situation were not spared in hearing his words and crying. A-Xiang and A-Cheng had made themselves busy in helping to restore the Sect cause staying and watching their master only gave them heartache and self-blame. They were so weak that they have been injured in the first part of the fight, in their hearts, they were useless disciples.

The healing master said that Wen Kexing's meridian was almost destroyed after forcing himself to use all his energy and it will be a miracle if Wen Kexing will woke up. If he does, he will be like an ordinary person and never can walk the immortal path.

When the disciples working in the morning noticed something strange in their work for three days, they decided to watch in secret who was making the progress at night. Everyone was saying that it could be the great master unconsciously doing it, or maybe some masters who were doing extra merit but none of the choices were right.

When they realize that the soldiers continued what they were doing during the night all their jaws dropped as they looked each other in the eyes. Slowly, they step out of the darkness and spoke, "Sirs, thank you for your hard work. Please, rest and everyone can work tomorrow." They all cupped their hands in front of them and bow to give their gratitude.

Before they left, one of them reiterated their meaning, "Let's all work hard tomorrow and eat a sumptuous meal. Good night." though it was still vague at least they tried despite their embarrassed feelings.

Surely when the next morning comes, the disciples and the soldiers work together making the progress a bit larger.

Two seasons had passed and the sect had been restored. The white scenery along with its chilly wind was miraculously giving warmth to everyone's heart but that warmth was because one hurdle was passed but the other one was yet to be known. So despite their happiness, the sect can't stomach celebrating their achievements.

Along with the falling snow was the fall of words in the unconscious master. Every day without fail, Shushu was talking to him, telling him about his adventures, his most crucial mission, the funniest enemy, the weirdest species he had met, and the planet where he had been. He had been sharing his life with Wen Kexing not knowing if the great master was hearing him.

"Kexing, when you wake up, will you come with me to see my planet?" He was holding his hand, both their bodies submerged in the warm pond water, kneading it and kissing it as he talked, "I will take you to my favorite place and walk on the golden sand. We can visit other planets that you want and return to earth after. I will be wherever you are."

Shushu was holding Wen Kexing in his arms, the great master's face was below him, still beautiful even when his eyes were closed. Stroking the great master's hair lovingly afraid that if he put too much force then the great master will be in pain. When his hand reaches the end of the hair, he will drop it in the water and let it float.

As the hair of Wen Kexing spread on the clear water, a few strands of white were mixed in with the silky black strands of hair.

This time, Shushu felt that his world collapsed.

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