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Work has been progressing rather quickly with the help of the soldiers pouring all their time and strength into it. In just a day, the private pond was already excavated a meter down following the measurement instructed by the Admiral and Master. The public pond however was only excavated by half a meter.

With such nimble and can work on its own workers, the work has been smooth sailing. Excess earth that was dug had been used to create an elevated path connecting the room and pond decorated with small to big stones. If this pace continues, it's estimated to be finished within a week or two.

Life has been quiet and well since the species from other planets arrive on earth and reside in Master Wen's villa. Food and shelter were provided and they can also train when they were vacant.

However, the calm was disturbed on the second day of the work when another sect master visited Wen Kexing's abode bringing with him the clamor of the other masters.

Sect Master Zhao came wearing his black hanfu with gold lining on the hem. His face was gentle but his aura was dark. "Greetings to Zhao Shi shu." A-Xiang and A-cheng run to greet the master upon seeing him. It was seven in the morning and everyone was busy with their work.

Entering the upper place, Sect Master Zhao can't help but glance at the workers of the public pond wearing different clothes, obviously an out-of-place fashion, those black fatigue pants stand out so much.

His eyes stayed there for five seconds before he greeted back the disciples bowing to him, "Shi shu greets you back. Is your Master here?" he asks with a gentle smile on his face.

"Answering Zhao Shi shu, Master is in the spiritual cave and will be out in two hours. "A-Xiang answered immediately.

A-cheng added, "Master is meditating every day for four hours."

The two stayed in their bowing position with both their hands cupped extending in front of them.

A-cheng has always been the observant kind of disciple. He only trusts his master and his Shijie and now the Admiral. He can't explain either why he trusts him but the air around the Admiral gave a comfortable and trusting aura.

However, the other Sect Masters and disciples, he can't trust and so he prefers not to divulge about the spiritual stone.

Thank goodness the aircraft was in invisible mode.

"En." he sounds in agreement. Looking again at the workers, he slowly moves and walks towards the pond. Seeing an unfamiliar person, the soldiers stop working and line up on the side with no bowing and saluting.

They salute only to their Admiral and bowing was not their custom.

Everyone had a tacit understanding. Never to talk aside from the already familiar three species.

Zhao Jing, the sect master speaks, "Brothers have worked so hard." He peeks at the pond, "... seems like sect leader Wen plans to beautify the upper place."

"Answering Zhao Shi shu, Master built this for spiritual recuperation. This is a spiritual pond that can be used by everyone in the sect." A-Xiang explained.

"Sect Leader Wen is truly benevolent."

"This disciple agrees to Zhao Shi shu. Master wants the best for the sect."

From the moment Zhao Jing step foot in the upper place, A-cheng had already sent a message to Wen Kexing through the mind link. It was not true that his master was meditating, he was just checking the stone. So it would be better for his Master to show up while Sect Master Zhao was here.

This mind link was only possible for A-Xiang and A-cheng. Others in the sect were blind and deaf about these skills. This was the reason why Kexing showed up ten minutes after Sect Master Zhao arrived in the upper place.

"Zhao Shixiong..." Kexing walks gracefully with his fan in his hand smiling so sincerely. Today he was wearing a pink hanfu. His pale face was highlighted even more and he looked like a flower that freshly bloomed.

"Greetings to Sect Leader Wen." Sect Master Zhao bowed and smiled though his smile then soon ended when his eyes landed on the man following behind the Sect Leader. "May I have an audience with Sect Leader Wen?"

"Of course Zhao Shixiong. A-Xiang prepares ginseng tea for you Zhao Shi shu." He gestured to Sect Master Zhao, "Shall we Zhao Shixiong?"

The two entered Wen Kexing's residence while Zhou Zishu stayed in the private pond. He thought if something happens, the back of Kexing's room was the fastest route for him to give aid.

Inside the room, the two were silent. Just sipping tea.

After a while, Wen Kexing broke the silence, "What brought Shixiong here?" as always, Sect Leader Wen speaks with gracefulness. Can't ruin those images of him.

Shixiong if you have something to say just say it now! My butt hurts from sitting here. I prefer to watch my pond being made bit by bit shixiong.

Sect Master Zhao did not waste any more time and lay down his agenda, "Some of the masters are worried because of the brothers in the upper sect. I believe they are not our sect's disciple, Sect Leader Wen."

"The masters wanted to know the reason for them staying in our sect. Food consumption increased since the day they arrived. The disciples also feel threatened by them."

Well, they are ten grown-up males so it's not a surprise that they eat more but why are they a threat, they don't even go to the lower and middle places.

"I understand the worry Zhao Shixiong but rest assured these are people I know very well and ask for some assistance to build something for the sect." Wen Kexing answered.

Then he added, "if it's about the food then, I will let them grow some vegetables here and catch fish in the sea. I can't let these people work for free so we will still get chickens from the sect. Will that be okay, Shixiong?"

"Ehem... I guess. If the pond is for everyone then it's reasonable. How long will they be working?"

Of course, you will agree... greedy bastard!

"Could be for three months? I still have a lot of plans in mind."

"En." he sounded in agreement then, "the other guy seems to be following you so much..." his words were purposely stopped hinting at something.

"Ah. He is the leader so we talk a lot about the plan."

"Really? Then be careful." He took a last sip of the tea and then stood up, "I won't disturb Sect Leader Wen anymore." and left the upper place.

Is he saying I need to be careful of Shushu? Why? Shushu is a good guy and weak at that. Ah, the training... we better start today!


Author: Kexing why is your butt hurt? ༽つ۞﹏۞༼つ... did... did A-shu.. did he-

Kexing: No! Malicious author! \(`0')/

Author: Eh? I was asking if you save A-shu again from falling so you hurt your butt... ●︿●

Kexing: (/へ\*)... ma... mali...cious... author.

Author: (°_°) what did I do????? 

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