Chapter 2: A Few Of Ash's Secret Are Revealed

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(Not doing Everyone's Pokémon, Look It Up)

???: Uhh busted...

Everyone turned and saw four Pokémon come down, and they all gave off surprised faces, especially Goh. It was Mewtwo, Newtwo, Huey and Mew, who had been living with Ash for a while now.

 It was Mewtwo, Newtwo, Huey and Mew, who had been living with Ash for a while now

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Lana: Oh my god!!

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Lana: Oh my god!!

Lillie: Who or what Pokémon are they?!

Mewtwo: At least his friends that I almost battled aren't here?

Newtwo: Would they still remember you though?

Mewtwo: Honestly, I'm not to sure.

Goh: Ash! *Grabs Ash's Shirt And Shakes Him* Why didn't you tell me Mew was living in your home?! I know how I've been wanting to catch it for ages!

Ash: I had to!

Chloe: Goh calm down.

Mallow: Aww, what a cute little Pokémon.

Huey: Hehe, Huey not cute, Huey strong.

After a lot of talking and Goh shaking Ash, everyone was finally about to get some long and needed answers. Ash Stood in front of everyone in the living room while Lillie, Goh and Chloe sat on the couch, Lana and Mallow in the chairs and the Pokémon flying/hovering around them.

Ash: It was a few years ago, Pikachu and I were walking around the area of our house when Pikachu felt something, he ran off into a bush we saw Mewtwo lying there unconscious and looking really beat up. 

Newtwo: You know, you never told us how that happened.

Mewtwo: I had come across some Pokémon hunters and I wasn't able to dodge all of the attacks, I was outnumbered, I was lucky to get away from there alive.

Ash: Anyway, we took back here to my house and bandaged him up, we thought no one knew about it, but Mew somehow knew and then they both started living with us since then. When my mom found out about the news, she took it... well to say the least.

Delia: I was surprised, let's put it like that...

Meowly: Meowstic..

Goh: What about her, when did you find her and her son?

Newtwo: Well Huey wasn't born before I found Ash.

Ash: Mewtwo sensed her while she was fighting a Fearow. When it was outmatched with Mewtwo there it ran off and brought back friends. We hide in a nearby cave until Mew teleported us back to my house. As for Huey.. well...

Newtwo: Turns out like humans, Mew's carry there Pokémon in there tummy's for a certain amount of time. The only way for this to of happened was when a special flower releases it's pollen when it blooms every 200 years.

Lana: Wow, surprising.

Chloe: Is that how all that happened?

Ash: Ya pretty much, but guys, the only reason I didn't tell you is because Mewtwo and Newtwo have issues with trusting humans because of... 

Mallow: It's ok, we get it Ash.

Lana: Plus, I'm sure any of us would of done the same.

Mew: Mew!

Goh: Damn it, to slow!

The teens turned to see that Goh was attempting to catch Mew, but flew out of the way of his pokeball.

Cinderace: Cinder!

Ash: Don't bother Goh, Mew will be hard to catch...

Goh: Ya but-

Before Goh could finish his sentence, there was a frantic knocking at the door, and by the sound of it, multiple hands were knocking on the door.

Delia: Who in the world is outside during a storm like this?

Miss Ketchum went to open the door, but wasn't ready as to what she saw at the door.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now