Chapter 15: Trying To Settle In And The Baby Comes Home

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 Ash: You can stay with me in my room for now Steph.

Stephanie: Thanks again for this Ash, but I would've been fine in the guest-

Newtwo: Stephanie, this is an easier way to keep an eye on you.

Stephanie: Ok then, but can I let my Pokémon out for a stretch?

Ash: Go ahead.

Stephanie pulled out all her pokeballs and called out all her Pokémon. The all looked around the new environment then at Stephanie. 

Stephanie: We're gonna stay here for a while, so go outside for and get used to it ok?

They all nodded and left apart from the Eevee Jada and a Minccino, who Stephanie named Chinchi.

Stephanie: You two want to stay?

The both nodded.

Stephanie: Alright.

Chinchi then ran around the room with a happy expression on it's face, that was when a white light surrounded it, when it died down, there stood its evolved form, Ciccino.

Chinchi then ran around the room with a happy expression on it's face, that was when a white light surrounded it, when it died down, there stood its evolved form, Ciccino

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Stephanie: Ok, that happened

Chinchi: Cin Ciccino!

Then Goh and Mew appeared at the door frame.

Goh: Hey, do you guys know where Mewtwo is?

Ash: He isn't downstairs?

Mew: Mew


Mewtwo has actually been away from the house since that morning, reason being is because of the baby in Professor Oak's Lab. Mewtwo had arrived at the lab early that morning and was sleeping near the tank the baby was in, however, Mewtwo woke up to the sound of beeping. 

Mewtwo: Hmm, what?

Looking at the tank, he saw that the baby... was gone!

Mewtwo: It's gone! Why is it gone?! Human what did you-?!

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Mewtwo: It's gone! Why is it gone?! Human what did you-?!

Mewtwo turned with his eyes glowing blue, but then he felt something on his tail, looking down, he saw the baby, quietly chewing his tail.

Mewtwo turned with his eyes glowing blue, but then he felt something on his tail, looking down, he saw the baby, quietly chewing his tail

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It then looked up at him with curious eyes and Mewtwo just stood there.

Mewtwo: Oh.

*Time Skip*

Professor Oak: My my, only in this world for a few days and already quite the escape artist huh? Such a sturdy little Pokémon.

Mewtwo: You don't know the half of it.

Professor: Well Mewtwo, your little one is all healthy and ready to go. Come by again if anything happens and give my greetings to Ash.

Mewtwo the took the small baby from Professor Oak and flew off to the house, where Delia, her Mr. Mime, Lana and Mallow were planting new flowers.

Mallow: Mewtwo your back-wow.

Mewtwo: Yes, we have a new comer to the house and family.

Mewtwo's Trainer, Stephanie HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now